Notice the title says: "Runs" not "Ruins"...though that is a good possibility.
I'm now going to post as the head of England with an idea toward helping Vel's EU guide book, which I'm sure is on the horizon.
After finishing up with Spain, I thought about taking Portugal for a test spin...but for some reason wanted to play as England. The difficulty rating is 'Normal'...and after a few hours of play, I can see England's problems at this point in time:
** They start will some problems with the Irish...though this is relatively easy to handle.
** They have nothing to start colonizing with...and have few colonists so far in general.
** Their econ is limited.
** Their only holding on the continent is Calais...which is just a piece of fruit waiting to be eaten by the much stronger France.
Potential Tips for Vel's Guidebook:
I'm now going to post as the head of England with an idea toward helping Vel's EU guide book, which I'm sure is on the horizon.

After finishing up with Spain, I thought about taking Portugal for a test spin...but for some reason wanted to play as England. The difficulty rating is 'Normal'...and after a few hours of play, I can see England's problems at this point in time:
** They start will some problems with the Irish...though this is relatively easy to handle.
** They have nothing to start colonizing with...and have few colonists so far in general.
** Their econ is limited.
** Their only holding on the continent is Calais...which is just a piece of fruit waiting to be eaten by the much stronger France.
Potential Tips for Vel's Guidebook:
- The effectiveness of your diplomatic efforts to improve relationships is related to the total amount of money you have in the bank. Thus, it is more cost effective to, say, send that Letter of Introduction AFTER you've spent your money doing upgrades, buying troops, sending colonists, etc. However, make sure you keep enough money on hand for rapid use of diplomats...if you need them. Oh, and always check in November or December before you get paid for the new year. Great time to use up some loose change to get a sizeable diplomatic boost...assuming your account has already been mostly spent.
- It seems that a nation's relations with you is affected by how its battles go with other nations. For example: Each time France annexed somebody, my relations with them dropped nearly 100 points! I guess this is representing how they are becoming more bold? Or is this a factor of the Bad Boy rating? At any rate, be aware that if you have worked toward a pretty good relationship, don't assume it stays that way simply because YOU haven't done anything wrong.