Well, since there's not an EXTREME amount of activity in this part of the forum, I thought I'd post a few notes (which may well be the faintest glimmerings of an EU strat guide....) here to foster some discussion.
The Army:
Good rule of thumb is to keep your fixed expenses (interest on loans and troop salaries) to somewhere between 10-20% of your monthly take. Any more than that, and you degrade your long term growth.
As far as troop ratios go, try this on for size...it works like a charm for me!
Cavalry - 1000 for every 2000 Infantry in an army group.
Artillery - 20 Guns for every 3000 Infantry in an army group.
Generals: Very cool guys, these....LOTS better than the run of the mill Colonels most of your units will have. Keep them with the biggest of your armies....every day they're in combat, there's a chance they'll get killed...seems a lesser chance the more guys you have with them. Also, be careful about letting Generals handle sieges! Unless they have a siege bonus, they'll not help you complete the siege notably faster, and you put them at risk of dying.
Combat in general: Lots of ways to go about it, but BY FAR the most effective method of combat I've found is something I have dubbed "smother and siege."
As you can see from the troop ratios I mention above, I put a pretty healthy emphasis on artillery, and it's that emphasis that helps end sieges quickly. I RARELY fight enemy armies in the field! Rather, my forces fan out to "cover" enemy territories, preventing them from recruiting troops close to my objectives, and then bring in a big battle group, armed to the teeth with cannon....it's this main group that goes around laying quick sieges to enemy territories. Once I've got 2-3 enemy territories under my thumb, it's easy enough to sue for peace, often gaining plumb territories and cash to boot!
Hand in hand with this basic strategy is constant attention to upgrading your fortresses! If your enemy has to waste time plowing through your level 3-4 forts, it'll take him FOREVER to capture even one of your territories, while you rip through his more lightly defended positions like a Ginsu Knife through...well, you get the idea....
Oh! And when you're fighting, wait til Jan 1st to sue for peace! The computer has just gotten paid, and you can rake in most or all of his annual "take" as well as getting your own cash!
In the early game, the most important thing is Land Tech 3 (artillery), so all your efforts NEED to go there first. After that, you want Infrastructure 2 (if you didn't start with it), and then....nothing but trade! Here's why:
If you have a higher trade tech level than everybody else, you can establish and KEEP long-lasting monopolies at the various centers of trade you know about. THAT'S what brings in the hordes of cash! And on that note, NEVER let the computer send your merchants! Good way to lose lossa money!
Once you're in a dominant position, trade-wise, pour everything you've got into Infrastructure again. The next "biggie" is Infrastructure 5 - which gives you Governors, and the ability to control your inflation, and here's the kicker.....
Once you get Infrastructure five, don't research ANYTHING. Put your slider so that you're bringing in nothing but cash--which will increase your inflation by 1% per year--and horde cash to start building manufactories! By this point in the game, even if you've not been paying attention to naval techs at all, you should be at or near Naval 5, which means that you'll be able to build Refineries and Naval Supply Manufactories, and Fine Arts Centers.
The only place you want a Fine Arts Center is in your Capitol, and in truth, they're slightly less valuable than the others.
Anyway, each Refinery you build helps your trade research, and each naval supply manufactory you build helps your naval research (which becomes more important later in the game, rather than earlier). So...start by building refineries in any provinces you control which produce wine or sugar, and then move to naval supply thingies in territories which have fish or naval supplies, promoting governers to reduce your inflation to zero BEFORE you start building (reason: even a 1% inflation rate will dramatically increase the cost of the manufactories!)
Once you get those built everywhere you can, the next big thing is the Goods Manufactory (I think it's Infrastructure 7?) - anyway, you'll wanna build those everywhere you can, as they enhance your infrastructure research.
Lots more, but I don't have my game notes in front of me, so I shall stop here for the moment, and see what discussion this brings about....
The Army:
Good rule of thumb is to keep your fixed expenses (interest on loans and troop salaries) to somewhere between 10-20% of your monthly take. Any more than that, and you degrade your long term growth.
As far as troop ratios go, try this on for size...it works like a charm for me!
Cavalry - 1000 for every 2000 Infantry in an army group.
Artillery - 20 Guns for every 3000 Infantry in an army group.
Generals: Very cool guys, these....LOTS better than the run of the mill Colonels most of your units will have. Keep them with the biggest of your armies....every day they're in combat, there's a chance they'll get killed...seems a lesser chance the more guys you have with them. Also, be careful about letting Generals handle sieges! Unless they have a siege bonus, they'll not help you complete the siege notably faster, and you put them at risk of dying.
Combat in general: Lots of ways to go about it, but BY FAR the most effective method of combat I've found is something I have dubbed "smother and siege."
As you can see from the troop ratios I mention above, I put a pretty healthy emphasis on artillery, and it's that emphasis that helps end sieges quickly. I RARELY fight enemy armies in the field! Rather, my forces fan out to "cover" enemy territories, preventing them from recruiting troops close to my objectives, and then bring in a big battle group, armed to the teeth with cannon....it's this main group that goes around laying quick sieges to enemy territories. Once I've got 2-3 enemy territories under my thumb, it's easy enough to sue for peace, often gaining plumb territories and cash to boot!
Hand in hand with this basic strategy is constant attention to upgrading your fortresses! If your enemy has to waste time plowing through your level 3-4 forts, it'll take him FOREVER to capture even one of your territories, while you rip through his more lightly defended positions like a Ginsu Knife through...well, you get the idea....

Oh! And when you're fighting, wait til Jan 1st to sue for peace! The computer has just gotten paid, and you can rake in most or all of his annual "take" as well as getting your own cash!
In the early game, the most important thing is Land Tech 3 (artillery), so all your efforts NEED to go there first. After that, you want Infrastructure 2 (if you didn't start with it), and then....nothing but trade! Here's why:
If you have a higher trade tech level than everybody else, you can establish and KEEP long-lasting monopolies at the various centers of trade you know about. THAT'S what brings in the hordes of cash! And on that note, NEVER let the computer send your merchants! Good way to lose lossa money!
Once you're in a dominant position, trade-wise, pour everything you've got into Infrastructure again. The next "biggie" is Infrastructure 5 - which gives you Governors, and the ability to control your inflation, and here's the kicker.....
Once you get Infrastructure five, don't research ANYTHING. Put your slider so that you're bringing in nothing but cash--which will increase your inflation by 1% per year--and horde cash to start building manufactories! By this point in the game, even if you've not been paying attention to naval techs at all, you should be at or near Naval 5, which means that you'll be able to build Refineries and Naval Supply Manufactories, and Fine Arts Centers.
The only place you want a Fine Arts Center is in your Capitol, and in truth, they're slightly less valuable than the others.
Anyway, each Refinery you build helps your trade research, and each naval supply manufactory you build helps your naval research (which becomes more important later in the game, rather than earlier). So...start by building refineries in any provinces you control which produce wine or sugar, and then move to naval supply thingies in territories which have fish or naval supplies, promoting governers to reduce your inflation to zero BEFORE you start building (reason: even a 1% inflation rate will dramatically increase the cost of the manufactories!)
Once you get those built everywhere you can, the next big thing is the Goods Manufactory (I think it's Infrastructure 7?) - anyway, you'll wanna build those everywhere you can, as they enhance your infrastructure research.
Lots more, but I don't have my game notes in front of me, so I shall stop here for the moment, and see what discussion this brings about....
