I must have read the entire AAR forum at the official site already... I was wondering if someone here could give some homegrown ones....
No announcement yet.
C'mon, Give us some AARs!
Now that I've got the hang of this I'll give you one for my next game. I could start one now, but my game is already to 1627.A plane ticket to Afghanistan: $800
A high powered sniper rifle: $1000
A hotel with accessible roof and visibility: $100
A shot at the head of a piece of **** like Osama bin Laden: Priceless. For everything else there's Master card.
1492 to 1494 - Very active on the diplomatic front. Formed alliance with Portugal and Austria, Venice was the leader of the alliance. Maps traded with Russia, then Perisa and finally Portugal. Used maps to start sending out colonists to Bahrain, Quatar, Leone.
1943, September - Troop conscription. 4x 2000 big armies raised in Ragusa, Corfu, Crete, Cyprus
1494, August - Minor war, France - Spain. French loss.
1494, October - Crete revolted. Supressed. Cretan contingency strengthened by an additional 2000 men.
1494 - Befriended Spain.
1496, March - Helvetia joined the alliance.
1496, August - Navarra joined the alliance. Strong anti-spanish front if needed.
1498 - Major war, England - France. English loss. Calais and Ulster to France.
1499, May - First traders sent to the new world.
1499, December - Traders arrived in the new world, land claimed for Venice. Explorer in Ragusa.
1500, July - Colonisation attemot failed. Natives destroyed the trading post. Trader sent to St. Thomas.
1500, October - Trading post founded at St. Thomas.
1502, January - Leonardo Loredano new king.
1502, July - 10.000 troops raised in Mantua. Another attempt at a trading post in Brazil.
1503, June - Second group of colonists set off to the New World. Not Brazil this time, but Manhattan.
1503, July - Alliance with Bavaria signed. For such a small country, being the leader of such a powerful alliance is a definate power boost.
1504, March - Colonisation attempt of Manhattan failed. Try again.
1504, September - The plan seems to be read. The strike at the papal states will take place in 1509 when the alliance they are in is dissolved. If it will be. Plans for recruitement in Mantua under way.
1505, January - First Venetian colony, San Isidro, established at Manhattan. Expansion of the colony ordered straight away.
1505, July - Gift to the state! The crown rejoices! While not exactly in hardship, the 400 extra ducats will be used to fun the raising of an army in Mantua and to fund further expansion of the colony in Manhattan.
1506, July - Denmark and Russia declares war on an unprepared Sweden.
1507, May - Sweden emerges as the unexpectant winner. Even though Russia controlled Karelia and Denmark controlled Västergötland, Sweden runs away with the grand price, Skåne.
1507, September - In a swift war, Poland-Lithuania annexes Courland.
1508, March - Teutonic Order annexes Pskov after a year long war.
1508, November - To my annoyance, I notice that the alliance the Papal states had, was extended to 1517.
1509, August - Udine, my explorer, safely reached Manhattan colony.
1512, May - After relative peace, Savoy annexes Parma in a war with France, Poland-Lithuania and The Palatinat vs. Genoa, Tuscany, The Knights and the now conquered Parma.
1512, June - The Palatinat are becomng a very potent country. Though spread all around Europe they have managed to conquer Flanders and Luxemburg from Spain earlier, and now they conquered Luca from Tuscany. The little German state isn't so small any more. What Generals they must have.
1512, October - My alliance expired. Portugal and Austria "broke free" and joined other alliances. Navarra, Helvetia and Bavaria remains.
1513, September - The Manhattan colony expanded to a city. Delaware will be colonised next.
1514, April - 2000 troops raised in Manhattan to discourage native unrest.
1515, March - Helvetia accepted my vassalisation proposal.
1516, August - Sent a trader to Campeche.
1519, September - Austria rejoined our alliance.
1521, January - Antonio Grimani new monarch.
1521, May - An exceptional year for me (double tax) and an exceptional year for wars. Sweden vs. Denmark, Russia, Portugal and England & France, Savoie, Papal States, the Palatinat and Poland-Lithuania vs. Spain, Milan, Naples, Lorraine and Scotland.
1521, October - The Palatinat annexes Milan.
1522, January - Swedish Danish war over. Bergslagen to Denmark.
1522, December - Exited current alliance. Joined alliance with Spain, Naples, Lorraine and Scotland.
1523, January - Andrea Gritti new monarch.
1523, March - Champagne conquered by Lorraine. Peace resolution.
1523, May - Flanders conquered by Spain from the Palatinat.
1523, October - Modena conquered by Spain.
1524, July - Final peace. French Comte to France.
1525, September - Second city in the New World, Delaware.
1526, November - Rebellion in Milan. If they declare independence, they will be without allies and I can test my armies.
1529, February - Construction begins on the new colony in ConneticutLo there do I see my father
Lo there do I see my mother
and my sisters and my brothers
Lo there do I see the line of my people
back to the begining
Lo they do call to me
They bid me take my place among them
in the Halls of Valhalla
where the brave may live forever
Well, here is a very basic overview of what I've done up until 1638. No dates because frankly I don't remember them.
After the first or second year, I declared war on Kazan. Silly me forgot to check and they were allied to Golden Horde and Astrahkan. The fight therefore was a lot tougher than it should have been, but I ended victorious, getting 3 provinces. Not the annexation I wanted but there is always another war.
It was before this that I set up the beginnings of my uber alliance. Denmark, Bohemia, and Moldavia (can you say anti-Poland?).
Shortly after the first war, after I had rebuilt my forces, I again declared war on Kazan, this time intending to finish them off. Again it was the same tooth and nail fight with the Central Asian Alliance. This time, however, I did end up annexing Kazan.
By this time my bad boy rating must have been getting high because Poland-Lithuania declared war on me. Even with my allies help, they managed to steal the southwestern most Kazan province from me (I forget the name) and Tver (the one right below Novgorod). Now I was getting a little depressed, but I decided to fight on.
Now began what, if I was writing history, I would call "The Time of War." Its about 1600 now and from this point on to about 1627 I am almost always at war or preparing for the next war. After annexing Pskow peacefully, I crush the remains of the Central Asain Alliance, capturing and annexing Golden Horde and Astrahkan in a series of 2 or 3 wars. Next comes revenge on Poland-Lithuania, who despite their early success against me does not put up a credible defense for the rest of the game. Somewhere between 1600 and 1627 I manage to add Austria to my Denmark/Bohemia/Moldavia alliance. Austria has peacefully annexed Hungry by now so they are an extremely potent ally. By 1628, Poland is a shell, reduced to a mere two provinces (Warsaw and Prypet (sp?)). Prypet isn't worth the cost in diplomatic terms or stability to take, so Poland will remain as is for the rest of the game. By 1638 they had built a 65 unit army in Warsaw causing me some fear since the neighboring Posen, Lithuania, and the one in between and to the east of Warsaw (damn hard to remember Polish names, the province name starts with a P) are quite rebelious. I'm fairly certain they won't attack though. If they do they will be quickly overwehlmed and I'll take Prypet and some cash as punishment.
Also in the period 1615-1630 the colonization of Siberia begins in earnest. I recieved two conquistidors and quickly explored all that I could by land. In 1638 I have approximately 5 or 6 colonies and 3 times that many trading posts. Quite profitable.
Up until now I have not dealt with Teutonic Order or Sweden, which are allied. I think I may have waited too long as now Sweden is getting some very good leaders and Teutonic Order has an army in the range of 150 or so. This will be a major problem and may be my undoing, especially since I lost my alliance with Denmark (who is now in an alliance with England).
Just previous to this writing, I fought alongside Austria in a defensive war against Turkey/Crimea (Turkey declared war on Austria. At first things were bad, the muslim hordes were sweeping into former Poland-Lithuania territorry (Austria had Besarabia, Galacia, and that province in between, I had the rest). But luckily for me I was gearing up for a war against Teutonic Order/Sweden right before, so once the Northern forces arrived the war turned decidely in Austria/Russia's favor (I did leave a weight 70 army in Moscow just in case Teutonic Order got frisky). In the end of the war, I mad a seperate peace with Crimea, getting Azov and the two coastal provinces right below it. I then pressed the attack on Turkey, ending up with the formerly Persain province right below Astrahkan and to the east of Georgia and Bujak and the province right beloe it. I wanted Georgia but Turkey wouldn't give it up. I'll get it the next war.
That gets us to 1638, where I am right now. Future goals include taking out Sibir (who's been quite until now. They haven't done any major force building, but a refinery and a fine arts acedemy make them a very ripe target. Also the last 4 Crimean provinces need to be dealt with. I'll also probably steal Georgia from Turkey before I'm done with them. Once all that is settled (and hopefully not before), I'll have to turn my attention to Tuetonic Order and Sweden finally. This will be a very hard war to win. I may take on Hanover too, who managed to get Danzig in thier war with Poland-Lithuania. Continued colonization is also important.
Sorry for being vague and dis-organized, but I'm going off memory here without even a copy of the game handy to get province names form.A plane ticket to Afghanistan: $800
A high powered sniper rifle: $1000
A hotel with accessible roof and visibility: $100
A shot at the head of a piece of **** like Osama bin Laden: Priceless. For everything else there's Master card.
Yeah Al there are a lot of -200's for Russia. When I get home I'll post the map.A plane ticket to Afghanistan: $800
A high powered sniper rifle: $1000
A hotel with accessible roof and visibility: $100
A shot at the head of a piece of **** like Osama bin Laden: Priceless. For everything else there's Master card.
I'll get on a Brandenberg one ASAP, sorry no pics but I just played it today since I was sick.
Hmm I can't remember the dates I'm playing again, but keeping notes, just wait it's pretty weird...
[This message has been edited by Par4 (edited March 28, 2001).]
A plane ticket to Afghanistan: $800
A high powered sniper rifle: $1000
A hotel with accessible roof and visibility: $100
A shot at the head of a piece of **** like Osama bin Laden: Priceless. For everything else there's Master card.
For my next game, I think I'll try Genoa...Lo there do I see my father
Lo there do I see my mother
and my sisters and my brothers
Lo there do I see the line of my people
back to the begining
Lo they do call to me
They bid me take my place among them
in the Halls of Valhalla
where the brave may live forever
1533, April - Spain declare war on France. Venice, Naples, Lorraine and Scotland join Spain while the Papal States, Savoie, Poland-Lithuania and Navarra join France.
1534, June - Spain declares war on Cologne.
1535, March - After Naples conquered Romagna and I conquered Emilia, Papal states was desperate for peace. They offered Emilia, so I took it.
1538, June - Spain exits the war. Giving Flanders to France, they choose the easy way out.
1540, January - After having to take a 200d loan, peace was signed. The outcome: Emilia to Venice. Flanders to France. Full annexation of Kleves by Spain.
1540, April - Peace isn't in effect very long. Lorraine declares war on France, and all allies follow. Tempted to say no, I hesitantly declare war as well when I see Spain follows prompt.
1542, Januaru - Peace signed. Alsace to France.
1546, August - Managed to vassalise Tuscany.
1547 to 1568 - Expanded colonies. Raised one extra army in Venice.
1568, December - Spain declares war on Portugal. With my new alliance with Portugal I declare war on Spain, Papal States and Naples.
1569, October - Rome, Modena and Romagna had fallen to my Venetian armies when Portugal, the leader of the alliance, declares peace with Spain. I lost all the territories I had conquered.
1571, March - Lorraine annexed by France after a bried war. They were alone against France and Frances allies.
1579, December - I declared my first war against the Papal States and Portugal. Confident that Spain could handle Portugal (new alliance) I took on the Papal States.
1580, August - Papal States annexed.
1582, March - After my navy transported one of my armies to Portugal, Algarve was laid under siege by Field Chief Judge Bragadin. A siege master if I can say so. As in Rome and Romagna, the cities were Venetian after only 2-3 months, and this with a 12k army with no assaults and no attrition. Algarve fell, and 3 months later, Tago fell. Oporto had been captured by the last Spanish-Portugese war so this was the last of the Portugese territories on the Iberian peninsula. The Portugese pleaded for peace offering Algarve. I accepted.
1585, April - War declared against Portugal by Spain. I follow promptly and discover that I'm also at war with Naples. Interesting. I might get something out of this after all.
1585, June - War didn't last long enough as Portugal was forced to sign a peace treaty before I could do anything.
1585 to 1604 - Expanded colonies. Supressed minor revolts.
1604, September - Spain in war with France. Againt.
1604, October - Tuscany annexed as part of a deal, not war.
1604, October - Joined the Spanish alliance. Not at war with France though.
1605, July - Spanish victoy.
1605 to 1645 - Heavy colonisation activity in North America.
1645, January - Portugal declared war. Naples sided with them. Short story, Apulia is now mine.
1645 to 1674 - Heavy colonisation activity in North America.
1674, March - Portugal declared war. Army in Algarve moved to Tago. Laid siege, and Tago fell after three month using a 14k army.
1674, November - Naples annexed by Venice. Sent diplomat to Portugal with a peace offer. Accepted and 500d gotten from the war.
My American Colonies
Future plans:
No more expansion of my American colonies as they are too fragile (only a few cities with city walls and most others are trade posts). Have four army concentrations in Europe.
Gruppo Est - Deal with any threats of rebellions in Naples, Rome, Tuscany and to respond to threats from France/The Palatinatian Italy
Gruppo Ovest - Deal with threats from Hungary and Turkey.
Gruppo Dal Nord - Deal with threats from Austria and to help either Gruppo Est or Gruppo Ovest if the need be.
Gruppo Sud - Protect the islands in the Mediterranean.
These armies will take full advantage of the fact that the Venetian commanders, even the most basic ones, are very good at sieges. For instance, a 14k army brought Rome to it's knees in 3 months. Further, the 11k army stationed in Algarve usually takes care of any Portugese threats if they declare war. Tago never stays Portugese for more than 3-4 months in any war.Lo there do I see my father
Lo there do I see my mother
and my sisters and my brothers
Lo there do I see the line of my people
back to the begining
Lo they do call to me
They bid me take my place among them
in the Halls of Valhalla
where the brave may live forever
Suggestion: It would help us post readers if you posters tell us up front which country you're playing. I incorrectly guessed Hans2 was somewhere around Persia instead of in Russia. I first guessed Coug was Portugal, then I saw he was planning to play Genoa, but it wasn't until I clicked on his screensaver links that I discovered he is playing Venice. You guys is playing geo-pinball with my mind.
I haven't played much EU since I got Black and White, but lemme recount a bit of my Russia game.
Ok, basically, I allied with Denmark and Moldavia to start the game. I declared war on Kazan, took 3 provinces. I then waited five years and took the rest of it. At this time Poland and Pskov declared war on my alliance. I stormed in, taking Tula and another province (forget the name), but Poland came back. At the time Pskov was being annoying, and my armies weren't as large as they had been. Poland had annexed Moldavia (whoops), and took back their provinces, then they were tired of fighting and asked for a white peace.
Next I turned to the Golden Horde. In a spectacular war, I annexed the nation. After waiting a bit (bad boy going down), I built up my forces and attacked Astrakhan. After some heavy fighting I was able to extract one province from them (forget the name). It is about 1531 in my game now.
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
- John 13:34-35 (NRSV)
Three Little Mice: Austria
1773, April: Austria declares war on Turkey. We launch a three-pronged attack: Illyria into Kosovo, Banat into Serbia, and Croatia into Bosnia.
1774, Jan 15: Royal marriages to Parma, Baden & Cologne
Jan 20: Serbia falls to Brigadier Nadasy, who marches on Bosnia.
Apr 15: Kosova falls to Col. Hallein
May 25: Bosnia falls to Brigadier Nadasy.
Turkey rejects our peace offer
June: Col. Hallein defeats Turkish counterattack in Kosova.
Aug.: Brig. Nadasy is defeated in Wallachia.
Turkey rejects another peace offer.
Sep-Nov: Col. Hallein drives off three more counterattacks.
1775, Jan 11: Turkey accepts peace. We get Serbia and Bosnia.
Feb. 2: Prussia declares war on Cologne. Denmark, Venice & Austria (reluctantly) join with Prussia. We take out a loan to recruit troops in Luxembourg.
Oct: Col Trent w/5k inf, 1k cav + 10 art defeats 23k Colognians!
Nov. Col Trent pursues into Cologne where he is defeated.
Nov 26: Luxembourg beseigned by 16k Colognian cav.
1776, Feb. 2: We steal seacharts from Poland-Lithuania
June: Prussians march from Kleves to beseign Cologne.
Nov 29: Colognian cav. continues seige of Luxembourg, so Cologne falls to Prussia and is absorbed into their kingdom.
1977, Jan.: Inflation. Mayors of Styrian, Austria & Flanders promoted.
April: Prussia declares war on Poland-Lith. Denmark, Venice & Austria join.
April: Huge war in the west begins when France declares war on Eng.
(France, Spain, Savoy, U.S., Genoa & Helvetia -vs-
England, Hannover, Portugal & Hyderabad)
June: Royal weddings to Bavaria and Tuscany.
July: Posen falls to Prussia.
Aug 7: We beseige Galacia
Sept 1: We beseign Krakow
18,000 Austrian peasants revolt in Maros
Sept 8: Prussian blow past my troops & storm Krakow
Now. 8: Pussian/P-L peace. Prussia gets Posen & Krakow + 250 fl.
1778, Feb 18: Austrian army crushes revolt in Maros
Mar. 8: Sweden, Turkey, Persia & Morocco decl. war on Russia
Aug 15: France, Spain, Savoy, U.S., Genoa & Helvetia declare war on Austria.
Aug 16: Venice, Denmark, Venice all dishoner alliance w/Austria.
Aug 17: English alliance spurns Autrian request to join
Oct 12: Austria defeats French in Flanders
Dec 14: France annihilates Autrian army in Flanders