I chose to play the Fantasy scenario because I needed something simple after my tutorial session came to an unexpected halt because of a non-activated "save" button. I figured a fantasy scenario would be simple because there would be no historical wrinkles the game designers had to take into account.
And it is simple. No minor nations. You start with only one province, and everything else appears to be a vast expanse of native tribes. There's a handful of one-province "major" nations scattered around the world, but I haven't found any yet. All tech level start at zero. And I have received no explorers or conquistadors or historical commanders--and I don't think I'll be getting any.
So the fantasy scenario is a lot like Civ, in that you start out with a single base with a puny 10,000 in population and no tech knowledge. But Fantasy advances more slowly than does Civ.
In the twenty-two years I've played, I have my starting province, seven colony cities, three non-citied colonies, and a whole bunch of trading posts. My "empire" extends north across the Amur River into central Siberia. I have a colony city in Yalu (North Korea) and a trading post in the southern-most Japanese island (which cost me an army of 5,000 men + 3 of my 5 warships just to locate). I've gone south along the coast of China to the Gulf of Tonkin and then west to the Bay of Bengal, with a fortified colony city at Bangkok. All my tech levels are at a lousy two, and my annual income is about 150 ducets.
My short-term goal is to press westward into India and meet up with the Great Moghul Empire. It's got land tech 3 (cannons), but I've got a half dozen diplomats and a monarch with a high dip rating. Maybe we can cut some kind of deal--or maybe they'll just kick the snot out of me. Either way, the First Contact should cause the game to pick up.
And it is simple. No minor nations. You start with only one province, and everything else appears to be a vast expanse of native tribes. There's a handful of one-province "major" nations scattered around the world, but I haven't found any yet. All tech level start at zero. And I have received no explorers or conquistadors or historical commanders--and I don't think I'll be getting any.

So the fantasy scenario is a lot like Civ, in that you start out with a single base with a puny 10,000 in population and no tech knowledge. But Fantasy advances more slowly than does Civ.
In the twenty-two years I've played, I have my starting province, seven colony cities, three non-citied colonies, and a whole bunch of trading posts. My "empire" extends north across the Amur River into central Siberia. I have a colony city in Yalu (North Korea) and a trading post in the southern-most Japanese island (which cost me an army of 5,000 men + 3 of my 5 warships just to locate). I've gone south along the coast of China to the Gulf of Tonkin and then west to the Bay of Bengal, with a fortified colony city at Bangkok. All my tech levels are at a lousy two, and my annual income is about 150 ducets.
My short-term goal is to press westward into India and meet up with the Great Moghul Empire. It's got land tech 3 (cannons), but I've got a half dozen diplomats and a monarch with a high dip rating. Maybe we can cut some kind of deal--or maybe they'll just kick the snot out of me. Either way, the First Contact should cause the game to pick up.