Okay, I have searched the Paradox Forums for an answer to this and I am getting mixed messages from what I have read.
In my current game (Brittany) I am basically the only Catholic Nation worth mentioning (though Bavaria is the HRE as the only other Catholic Nation in the HRE
Edit: Afterthought, The Knights may still hold territory within the HRE as well).
Now I am after the Protestants and the Orthodox.
In my previous game (Venice) I was able to vassalize various protestant nations as a result of war and later to annex them (after 20 years usually). However I wasn't able to annex my vassals Persia, Oman or the Ottoman Empire. From what I have read I beleive the reason for this is because of their different religion.
Therefore I don't know if I have made a mistake in my current game. I now have both Russia (Orthodox) and Sweden (Protestant) as my vassals (I have been making sure not to vassalize any Sunni or ****e nations).
Will I be able to annex either or both of Sweden/Russia after the 20 year period?
I don't know which nations to vassalize and which to only accept provinces in my peace deals, but I don't want to vassalize someone if I can't later annex them.
Reading Paradox has me confused between diplovassalizing / diploannexing and militaryvassalizing / militaryannexing.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
In my current game (Brittany) I am basically the only Catholic Nation worth mentioning (though Bavaria is the HRE as the only other Catholic Nation in the HRE

Now I am after the Protestants and the Orthodox.
In my previous game (Venice) I was able to vassalize various protestant nations as a result of war and later to annex them (after 20 years usually). However I wasn't able to annex my vassals Persia, Oman or the Ottoman Empire. From what I have read I beleive the reason for this is because of their different religion.
Therefore I don't know if I have made a mistake in my current game. I now have both Russia (Orthodox) and Sweden (Protestant) as my vassals (I have been making sure not to vassalize any Sunni or ****e nations).
Will I be able to annex either or both of Sweden/Russia after the 20 year period?
I don't know which nations to vassalize and which to only accept provinces in my peace deals, but I don't want to vassalize someone if I can't later annex them.
Reading Paradox has me confused between diplovassalizing / diploannexing and militaryvassalizing / militaryannexing.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
