Patch notes;
version 1.37
-Added country tag to the Japan events that trigger for all.
-Corrected a name in NIP242028.
-Corrected ID's in Arakan, Mughal events.
-Added dates to trigger "Turkish ambition on Constantinople" events, and excluded TUR.
-Changed three incorrect tags for Manzadaran.
-Bayreuth removed from 1520 selectable list.
-Spelling corrections in files for Japan, Rajputana, Mughals, Papal States, text.csv
-Updated West African countries for the 1520 scenario.
-Songhai event "Askia Mohammad falls ill" fixed.
-"Polish law introduced in Lvov and Podolia" now requires that Poland hold at least one of the provinces.
-Changed monarch ID for Bali to avoid conflict.
-Changed two monarch IDs (5173,5195) for Persia to avoid conflict.
-Changed Hadramaut monarchs' ID range to remove conflicts.
-Changed many leader ID's for Dauphiné and France remove conflicts.
-Fixed command for change to special graphics for Manchu becoming China.
-Updated KoI sequence due to addition of Parma and the leaders updated in 1.33.
-Omani explorer now appears in random province.
-New revolt file entry for Teutonic Order, since it was totally misplaced.
-Fixed "Inheritence of Masovia" sequence.
-Corrected actionnames for CYP event 3841.
-Corrected date in event MOG21788.
-Event UZB325006 now correctly refers to SIB.
-Event UZB325007 corrected, not random, no dates and new text.
-The event file for Bantam 1419 is now read.
-Corrected death date for Maximilian I of Habsburg.
-Fixed 11 events with EVENTNAME instead of EVENTHIST.
-Fixed text for ENG2200000, BOH129021
-45 events had the truncating sign ; removed from the text.
-Corrected tip text for inflation.
-Slept three Habsburg monarchs for Bohemia.
-Kongo event sequence for POR now starts on discovery.
-Corrected events SCO3069, PER21817, PER65050, NIP242001, NIP242002, NIP242030
-Corrected quote of Spanish leader Fernando de Guzmán.
-Corrected deathdate of Buchan for Dauphiné.
-Corrected events and leaders for the French War of Religion.
-Fixed Ekiyo War Sequence for Japan.
-Fixed "Henry VIII's Offer" to give ENG cores on Ireland.
-Switched options in HOL "English conspiracy in Ambon".
-Russian minors becoming Russia will get the capital right.
-Redundant eventfile for Suzdal removed.
-Roussillon starts is catalan in 1520 scenario.
-Added trigger for Papal States event in "The Religious Peace of Augsburg" for HAB.
-Shortened text for "Henry VI's minority" event for ENG to make it fit.
-Added two events for English held provinces in French War of Religion.
CHANGES & ADDITIONS (submissions 153-186)
-Massive update of the 1520 scenario, with many fixes.
-Kingdom of Jerusalem, and the Knights in Fantasy scenario event, get Syrian culture. #153
-New text for when a leader is lost.#154
-Reworked events for ceding back Moorish land to Castile if taken by POR/ARG/CAT. #155
-Several modifications to Venetian events.#156
-Added the Principalities of the Malabar coast to the Indian set-up.#157
-Moved Indias COTs. #158
-Impemented the split of Georgia in three kingdoms. #159
-Armynames and randomleaders for Wales. #160
-Event for Vencie: Elena Cornaro. #161
-Reduced the large Indian alliance. #162
-Removed conversion to Christianity events for Indonesia. Modifications to Bima #163
-Added states Huron, Cherokee and Iroquis, with disease events. #164, #187
-Changed inflation adjusting random events. #165
-Unification of Germany through a successful Imperial reform around 1500 #166
-Remove russian event 3444 "In face of Napoleon". #167
-Changed startdate of Venetian admiral P Mocenigo. #168
-Added "Trials of Jacopo Foscari" for Venice. #169
-Added "The Crusade of Pius II". #170
-Cyprus reworked: events, leaders and monarchs. #171
-Small fix in "Victory in Livonian Wars" for LIV. #172
-Changed trigger for "Sale of Neumark" for Teutonic Order. #173
-Random manufactories require country size 4. #174
-New minimum requrements for random manufactories. #175
-Added sequence for King Erik of Pommerania. #176
-Rossi's appeal removed (Venice). #177
-OE: Changed stats for Sultans, changed religions, new cores. #178
-A submission for early Lorraine. #180
-Changed setup and cores for Karaman. #181
-Added events for the Hussites to turn back into Bohemia. #182
-Added triggers for random "Build a Great Palace". #184
-Reduced map knowledge of venice, removed cannons 1419. #186
-Lowered Centralisation of Masovia to 3.
-Mamluk now always spelled correct.
-Maya (in 1520) now got it's English name.
-Iraq and Baghdad are now spelled correctly.
-Order of St John is spelled without punctation, since some systems couldn't handle it.
-Spain getting all of Inca now require that they are neighbours.
-"The Betrayal of Iskanday Bey" now get a long duration, and only happen in war.
-All unused entries in text file removed to reduce size.