Also if they are at war with another country and hold one fo that country's proviences then you won't get a 100% victory score. You'll either have to declare war on that third country, wait for the third country to dislodge the invader, or wait until they sign a peace treaty.
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whats your goal in a Paradox game?
Originally posted by Oerdin
Also if they are at war with another country and hold one fo that country's proviences then you won't get a 100% victory score. You'll either have to declare war on that third country, wait for the third country to dislodge the invader, or wait until they sign a peace treaty.). Netherlands was one of my allies and they had lost a province to England's control. Once the Netherlands got it back my percentage went up to 100%.....
It STILL didn't let me military annex England
I accepted peace with them on the terms that they cede their three colonies to me, and also accept vassal status. I didn't know what else to do, though having them as my vassal wasn't really my goal.
Immediately on ending the war they sent out a settler to try and colonize a province, so I may be doing this again, though Idon't relish the idea of declaring war on my vassal, not sure which is the bigger stability hit, war on a vassal or war after peace, but either way it doesn't look good for me to annex Anglia before 1820.
It is currently around 1790 and in the last ten years or so I have had major wars with France, England and Portugal....good thing I have strong Allies or I would be happy to just be alive I think
Edit: By the way, I now have a very bad reputation, so I expect the remaining 30 years or so may be bloody"Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge
I'd suggest you to keep them as vassal for some 20-30 years and then diploannex them.Then you get more land then you'd get alone because of their colonization, less BB compared to military annexing and you can focus on other things.
Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
Also active on WePlayCiv.
But they are of a different religion (Protestant) than I am (Catholic) and have a relation towards me approaching -200.
I didn't think diplo annexing was possible in these circumstances (I have yet to successfully diplo annex, all of my attempts so far have been rebuffed).
Edit: Okay I continued playing and had some great successes. I was able to annex England (and complete my starting goal of holding all of the British Isles) as suggested by Nikolai.
Further, Spain attacked me (as I mentioned I have a bad rep) and I was able to take out all of their home provinces and rather then taking any of them I vassalized them too........and 10 years + 1 day later annexed them too (though I saved and closed immediately after that as they have some huge revolt problems that I want to take some time to deal with).
It is now 1811 and I am happy with where I am at in the game, I am pretty much going to play out the remainder of the game without any clear goals, content just to continue to develop and deal with whatever comes up........already looking forward to game #2!!! GREAT GAME.
"Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge
The religion part doesn't matter after 1600 or so when the edict of tolerance is signed. They're now a one provience minor so they'll be easy to diplomatically improve those -200 relations.Try for discussion and debate.
Originally posted by Spiffor
I generally go for maximal money, tech, and peaceful expansion. Come to think of it, that's my style in Civ as yell
In my last EU2 game, I won with Portugal, thanks to my sheer economic power (My only agressive war was toward the end, just for kicks). I had something like 15 monopolies, and my merchants were the reason of my status as the world's greatest power.
In my last Victoria game, as China, my only conquests were Korea and Sumatra. Despite having a billion inhabitants, I only had the 3rd most numerous military in the world. However, my economic score was 17,000, while the second greatest economic power (Russia) only had 1,200
Economic hegemony rocks"I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
"I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
"I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis