No matter which euro nation I am, I always end up playing balance of power politics. That situation was restricting Russia from being a counter balance to the monster Poland that developed which limited her growth onto the steppes. Austria was kept honest by a very successful OE and France encroaching on his western border with me slowly expanding through Italy.
No announcement yet.
An EU2 Newbie, at last!
I just got Europa Universalis 2 last night. I must say this world is big... and scary.
Played through the tutorial and started a game as Austria. Did some royal marriages and got into an alliance with Mantua and later Milan. Eventually went to war with Helvatia because of the temporary Casus Belli. I got the province Schwyz, and Helvatia as a vassal. I think I will start a new game though, because it was a bit of a shock to how big the game was.
What speed do you reccomend going on? I can't seem to find the right speed that is slow enough for me to catch the battles, but quick enough to avoid long amounts of downtime.
Edit: Oh yeah, and I waged the war with 50% support and was 16k over my support limit. Oops.I changed my signature
Originally posted by Gamecube64
What speed do you reccomend going on? I can't seem to find the right speed that is slow enough for me to catch the battles, but quick enough to avoid long amounts of downtime."I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
"I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
"I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis
Originally posted by Gamecube64
What speed do you reccomend going on? I can't seem to find the right speed that is slow enough for me to catch the battles, but quick enough to avoid long amounts of downtime.Never give an AI an even break.
Hmmm, nothing seems to work now. I was able to shut down everything but explorer, system tray and run EU2, that got me past May 1st, but now the same thing happens July 1st.
Originally posted by Qilue
I get this a lot.
Try loading the save, then imediately reloading that save again.
Try the old auto-save (1756, not 1757)(you do have annual auto-save enabled right?) and replay from that point and as above, load and then imediately reload the save.
Okay, tried all of the above and it didn't work, but just to be sure, I am not sure i understood the steps. In the first suggestion...
1) Load the save right before the crash
2) Without unpausing the game at start up, reload the same save again
If that is correct it didn't work
second suggestion.....
1) Load the old auto-save (1756 in my case)
2) replay from that point until when???
3) load and then immediately reload the save
This one crashed January 01, 1757 while I was trying to replay (I turned autosave off before I started to replay), but maybe I was supposed to reload before that??
Originally posted by ravagon
Load up your last save as another country (If you right-click on the shield you should get a list of all available nations). Play past date of crash. Save and reload as your original.
Warning: AI will stuff up your land-ship deployment severely if you leave it unattended for too long and has a tendency to declare wars/make peace at inconvenient moments with inconvenient nations - use with caution ... Make note of where your units are and what they're doing beforehand so you can undo it all afterwards.) but with the same result, game crashed/shut down July 1.
Then I tried with Apulia, thinking they were an out of the way do nothing country, and the game again crashed July 1.
I am getting frustrated, and more importantly suffering from withdrawal
Tempted to start a new game, but I would really like to finish this one, and if my new game resulted in the same result, not sure what i would do.
Also thinking about upgrading my RAM (only have 256, but one of the reasons I thought EU2 was a good game to get was that my dinosaur could run it). I will upgrade the RAM, but I would like to find out if that is the problem first, any ideas how I find that out beforehand?
/me"Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge
Things are getting interesting in Spain...
In the early game there were couple of wars against Navarre and... the country that owns Gibralter. From these I got Gibralter and Navarre, Aragon got Bearne and Granada. Then everything was silent for atleast 60 years before a couple of wars in northern Africa. In the firstwar I crushed Algiers very quickly, making them my vassal and taking Tangier and Orania. In the second Moracco declared war on me. The catch is that I was in the middle of quelling rebellions from the Inquisition. My small band in Orania was quickly eliminated, though Portugal helped keep Tangiers in my control long enough for me to get my army into north Africa. Rebels fought off Moroccans in Orania, good people. Meanwhile I had to nearly double my current army size because my 13k were dwarfed compared to Morocco's army of 27k. Luckily I managed to get a huge regiment of cavalry into Tangier before they attacked, and won the day! Proceeded to seige a few provinces, in the end the Iberian Alliance (Portugal, Aragon, and I) was granted 75 ducats and Tassaret to Portugal.
Now the year is 1499. France, Genoa, Papal States, ans Siera declared war on Aragon. Portugal dishonored at first, but when I asked them to rejoin they did so gladly. I of course honored the alliance since Aragon is my devoted vassal and eventual inheritance. France is THE Euro superpower right now. We are in for a tough war. Also, a month or two after the war I got three explorers and a conquistador... how convienant right?
In other news I am the Holy Roman Emperor. How did that happen?I changed my signature