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HoI1 better than HoI2?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Oerdin

    The problem isn't when I'm playing Japan it is when the AI is playing Japan. In all of the games I've played I have only twice seen Japan join the Axis without me loading up as Japan and manually having them join the alliance.
    Thanks, now I'm get it.
    It was hard to get the AI to agree to it but human players would do it all the time. When the game first came out they didn't have the limit of only being able to trade one technology per month and instead you could trade every technology in one deal. The problem with trading so many techs so fast is both sides would end up having nukes by 1941 and the game would become a stalemate as any large army group would get an A-Bomb dropped on it.
    That's why current system is better.


    • #32
      I'd kind of like a compromise solution to the tech trading. In HOI! when you traded the tech you got the tech with no further research while in HOI@ you get the plans for a certain tech but you must still research for it (at a much reduced cost). The very fact that techs must still be researched even if you have the plans will slow things down but still allowing nonalligned countries to trade techs would reproduce real life situations. Germany & Italy both assisted Argentina in real life by providing tank, air plane, and ship designs but Argentina never officially joined the Axis.
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • #33
        HoI2 is not a satisfying single player game at this point. Bad AI and poor events made me go back to CORE HoI1. Its got a lot of potential though, apart from the ultra bland tech system, which I detest.
        To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


        • #34
          I sort of like the tech system but it is different from HOI1. You are absolutely right about the gaming not being fun in single player mode due to an utterly crap AI and screwed up events.
          Try for discussion and debate.

