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Hearts of Iron

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  • Hearts of Iron

    How do I use convoys

    Ive been at this game for 3 weeks now and I cant figure this out


  • #2
    Go to your Trade/Convoy screen. Select 'convoy'. Click on the province you wish to convoy from and then select the province you wish to convoy to.
    Then with this convoy selected you edit the number of transports/escorts making it up and the resources being carried.


    • #3
      Now that is settled let's talk about something else. Anyone want to talk about HOI2? I'd like to know when it comes out.
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • #4
        Oh thanks I figured it out!

        Cool theres a HOI 2



        • #5
          Originally posted by Oerdin
          Now that is settled let's talk about something else. Anyone want to talk about HOI2? I'd like to know when it comes out.
          It's gold now. I've heard a (rumoured) release date of January 4th. 3 weeks or so doesn't sound too far out of the question though so it may be correct.
          This however is in your neck of the woods.

          Projected release date here isn't until mid-February.


          • #6
            I hope HOI 2 has a manual

            HOI manual was crap. I was on the ****ter the this weekend reading it. It said "Turn to page 58" But the book ended on page 29?



            • #7
              It's better they wait a few more months instead of rushing out a buggy product just to make the Xmas buying season.
              Try for discussion and debate.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Oerdin
                It's better they wait a few more months instead of rushing out a buggy product just to make the Xmas buying season.
                It's going to be in stores January 4th.
                Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                Do It Ourselves


                • #9
                  No, Johan said the preorders would ship on January 4th. We'll probably get the game a few days later I guess.
                  Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                  Also active on WePlayCiv.


                  • #10
                    I guess that waiting paid off for me. I just bought the Hearts of Iron platinum edition. Finally a bug free and playtested game for a fair price. Too bad it took so long to get to this point.

                    It does come with a real manual this time.
                    Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

                    Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


                    • #11
                      One thing I do like about Johan and the gang at Paradox. Sometimes they do rush products (EU II, HOI).

                      anybody else notice this?

                      They ALWAYS support there product!

                      They keep patching until the bugs are gone. So even if it were rushed I would get it.



                      • #12
                        They do indeed. Paradox.

                        Not only patching too - EU2 has been ~95% bug-free since about 1.05/1.06 - Much of what Johan has been doing since then has been balancing/tweaking and adding new features.

                        I've oft thought that with but a little more polish on the original product they could advertise their continued support as a feature and sell subscriptions for such - much like Stardock with Galactic Civs.


                        • #13

                          I'm definately getting this one!
                          signature not visible until patch comes out.


                          • #14
                            I'm rather optimistic about HoI 2 (it has loads of neat features and maybe it will be less buggy than their previous games, though obviously not perfect), but I'm still going to wait and see how the first buyers react...I can certainly wait for patches, but that doesn't mean that I'll rush to buy it with my eyes closed.
                            DULCE BELLUM INEXPERTIS


                            • #15
                              I am very exited for HoI2. Lots of new features, more refined game in every aspect, much like EU1 --> EU2 I hope, and last but not least: Several previews has mentioned it beingmuch more stable and less bug ridden than a normal Paradox game. Maybe they finally has managed to fix that main big problem for their reputation in the market.
                              Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                              I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                              Also active on WePlayCiv.

