I started out loving Spain and Austria but these two were so powerful that it took much of the fun out of the game. So I moved on to playing second tier powers like Venice, Denmark, and Novgorod. These were more challenging but still became predictable even with the AI on the hardest setting thus I once again had to move on.
Now I'm trying nonEuropean powers like Ethiopia and Rajputana. They are hair pullingly hard to play well unless you cheat or loan shark but they aren't impossible. Try being the only Hindu state completely surrounded by richer & larger muslim states.
That's fun but not my favorite.
No, that honor would have to go to either Byzantium or Suizdul. Both of these are small powers with big potential to become major powers if properly played though the road will not be an easy one.Next I think I will try a Kingdom of Jerusalem game (I've never actually finish a KoJ game) or maybe a game as Crimea. If I really wanted to punish myself I could conquor the Crimea as Genea and convert it to Catholicism before releasing the Crimea. The goal would be to conquor all the mongol cultured proviences and convert them before the end of the game. Any what that's one of my ideas for the future.
Now I'm trying nonEuropean powers like Ethiopia and Rajputana. They are hair pullingly hard to play well unless you cheat or loan shark but they aren't impossible. Try being the only Hindu state completely surrounded by richer & larger muslim states.

No, that honor would have to go to either Byzantium or Suizdul. Both of these are small powers with big potential to become major powers if properly played though the road will not be an easy one.Next I think I will try a Kingdom of Jerusalem game (I've never actually finish a KoJ game) or maybe a game as Crimea. If I really wanted to punish myself I could conquor the Crimea as Genea and convert it to Catholicism before releasing the Crimea. The goal would be to conquor all the mongol cultured proviences and convert them before the end of the game. Any what that's one of my ideas for the future.