Yep, finally a new beta patch.... 
Not bad, but not good either considering how long it's been since the last patch... although hopefully this means that we can expect more patches to follow now. I had almost lost hope for victoria.

- You can no longer deploy troops in provinces with enemy troops present.
- The Education Modifier now modifies RP gain correctly.
- Pops in colonies now only get half the income compared to homeprovince pops.
- Income assigned to pops off "non-accepted cultures" are now scaled depending on the minority policies of the ruling party.
- Capitalists and Aristocrat bonuses are now capped at 50%.
- Only level 1 factories will get burned down from random events now.
- Pops in colonies will not vote unless you have full citizenship.
- Newly created countries now get full cores.
- Forced disarmament now removes the entire mobilization pool for the target.
- All navalunits with shorebombardment attributes can now shore-bombard.
- Barrels and Infantry exploits should now work.
- Gas is now a lethal thing on the battlefield, especially if the opponent does not have any protection (+50% combatmod)
- You do not get nationalism in core-provinces after you conquer them.
- Corruption buildings are now checked each day.
- Immigrants will ignore reforms in countries with a debt.
- Reforms/Democratic quality of a country is now modified by that nations plurality when an immigrant selects country.
- Fixed quite a few bugs with tariff and subsidies calculation.
- Fixed a loophole which allowed cheats in multiplayer.
- The Add_pop event-command should now work with all cultures.
- It is no longer possible to trade for technologies which you do not have the prerequisites for.
- Inserted the Revolutions Mod into the game.
- "Slavery Hotly Debated In xxx" events will no longer appear after the Civil War.
- "Bleeding Kansas" will not happen after the ACW.
- "Lincoln Assassinated" can happen even if he was not elected, and "Reconstruction" fires assuming the ACW event was fired and the USA and CSA are not currently at war.
- "Malthusian Thought" now increases colonial migration by 50%, not decreasing it as before.
- 1836: Corrected the spelling in the Zulu and Mexico OOB's.
- The Education Modifier now modifies RP gain correctly.
- Pops in colonies now only get half the income compared to homeprovince pops.
- Income assigned to pops off "non-accepted cultures" are now scaled depending on the minority policies of the ruling party.
- Capitalists and Aristocrat bonuses are now capped at 50%.
- Only level 1 factories will get burned down from random events now.
- Pops in colonies will not vote unless you have full citizenship.
- Newly created countries now get full cores.
- Forced disarmament now removes the entire mobilization pool for the target.
- All navalunits with shorebombardment attributes can now shore-bombard.
- Barrels and Infantry exploits should now work.
- Gas is now a lethal thing on the battlefield, especially if the opponent does not have any protection (+50% combatmod)
- You do not get nationalism in core-provinces after you conquer them.
- Corruption buildings are now checked each day.
- Immigrants will ignore reforms in countries with a debt.
- Reforms/Democratic quality of a country is now modified by that nations plurality when an immigrant selects country.
- Fixed quite a few bugs with tariff and subsidies calculation.
- Fixed a loophole which allowed cheats in multiplayer.
- The Add_pop event-command should now work with all cultures.
- It is no longer possible to trade for technologies which you do not have the prerequisites for.
- Inserted the Revolutions Mod into the game.
- "Slavery Hotly Debated In xxx" events will no longer appear after the Civil War.
- "Bleeding Kansas" will not happen after the ACW.
- "Lincoln Assassinated" can happen even if he was not elected, and "Reconstruction" fires assuming the ACW event was fired and the USA and CSA are not currently at war.
- "Malthusian Thought" now increases colonial migration by 50%, not decreasing it as before.
- 1836: Corrected the spelling in the Zulu and Mexico OOB's.
Not bad, but not good either considering how long it's been since the last patch... although hopefully this means that we can expect more patches to follow now. I had almost lost hope for victoria.