Now, this is somewhat old news, but a guy over at Paradox forums met a woman working for Paradox some time ago, and this is what he posted
This is the greatest day of my life. Never have i been so happy about anything, anytime.
What has happend to poor ol me? Well, i found myself on the subway, going into the city of Stockholm with a couple of friends. We started to discuss diffrent Paradox games such as Crusader Kings and HoI(2). We stated how exited we where on this new production and so on.
All of the sudden, as of nowhere, this woman approches. Se says something like:
I have been sitting here and listening to you, and i just have to speak, you see i work with distributing Paradox games(later we read on her card that she was the Product manager on Pan Vision, which i belive most of you know what company that is anyways). We discussed the games and she seemed pleased that we liked the games. Although my dumb dumb brother complained some about the patching that it should get speeded up. What the problem with you?! You got the chance of almost tuching the source of the game and you complain, kinda corny if you ask me.
Anyhow for a few minutes we discussed some rather nice subjects like the games. I have always thought that only nerd worked with computer games, now it turns out that a rather normal woman does the same. Which is more or less something that suprises me. Now, to drop the real bomb on us she said:
I happen to sit on some give aways, send me an E-mail and i will send you a package.
Stunned i said, what? Are you kidding with me? She obviusly said no and gave us her card. I will send her an E-Mail right after i post this, at least that is my plan!
Now, ever since, i have been going around with adrenaline pumping all over my body.. because.. she told us some really neat ****!!
LIKE FOR EXAMPLE!! In Sweden(Scandinavia?) HoI 2 will be realsed BEFORE christmas of 2004! Not in the Spring of 05. This was more or less really good news for me, but the most intriguing thingie was.. she told us..
That Paradox is currently working on some TOP SECRET game, and that the details will be relased in a few weeks. Hohoo!! Bet ya didnt know that..
Shiete, i took me like 30 minutes to get over this small gathering, i mean... i almost crap my pants, this **** can only happen to people like us, in Sweden, at a night like this.
****ing hell, what a night.. now i wont be able to sleep.. thank you Pan vision and Pardox, HELL.. its my sister birthday today and when she gets up i will have to congratulate her, and well frankly.. i will not think about my sister now.. "making fun easier".. i almost crap my pants...
Nothing more is confirmed about the possibly new game so far as I know of, but nothing is said against it either, so we can always hope...
I for one hope it is EU3, but as Johan has said it'll come in 2007 earliest, the odds are against it I guess.
This is the greatest day of my life. Never have i been so happy about anything, anytime.
What has happend to poor ol me? Well, i found myself on the subway, going into the city of Stockholm with a couple of friends. We started to discuss diffrent Paradox games such as Crusader Kings and HoI(2). We stated how exited we where on this new production and so on.
All of the sudden, as of nowhere, this woman approches. Se says something like:
I have been sitting here and listening to you, and i just have to speak, you see i work with distributing Paradox games(later we read on her card that she was the Product manager on Pan Vision, which i belive most of you know what company that is anyways). We discussed the games and she seemed pleased that we liked the games. Although my dumb dumb brother complained some about the patching that it should get speeded up. What the problem with you?! You got the chance of almost tuching the source of the game and you complain, kinda corny if you ask me.
Anyhow for a few minutes we discussed some rather nice subjects like the games. I have always thought that only nerd worked with computer games, now it turns out that a rather normal woman does the same. Which is more or less something that suprises me. Now, to drop the real bomb on us she said:
I happen to sit on some give aways, send me an E-mail and i will send you a package.
Stunned i said, what? Are you kidding with me? She obviusly said no and gave us her card. I will send her an E-Mail right after i post this, at least that is my plan!
Now, ever since, i have been going around with adrenaline pumping all over my body.. because.. she told us some really neat ****!!
LIKE FOR EXAMPLE!! In Sweden(Scandinavia?) HoI 2 will be realsed BEFORE christmas of 2004! Not in the Spring of 05. This was more or less really good news for me, but the most intriguing thingie was.. she told us..
That Paradox is currently working on some TOP SECRET game, and that the details will be relased in a few weeks. Hohoo!! Bet ya didnt know that..
Shiete, i took me like 30 minutes to get over this small gathering, i mean... i almost crap my pants, this **** can only happen to people like us, in Sweden, at a night like this.
****ing hell, what a night.. now i wont be able to sleep.. thank you Pan vision and Pardox, HELL.. its my sister birthday today and when she gets up i will have to congratulate her, and well frankly.. i will not think about my sister now.. "making fun easier".. i almost crap my pants...
Nothing more is confirmed about the possibly new game so far as I know of, but nothing is said against it either, so we can always hope...

I for one hope it is EU3, but as Johan has said it'll come in 2007 earliest, the odds are against it I guess.
