Hey man, and g'morning! Will try to at least hit the high spots on the questions, and give the others a more in-depth treatment when I don't have one foot out the door! 
From what I have observed, you're correct. Alliance leader does not necessarily equal Alliance Leader in a particular fight. Seems like the country that gets DoW'd is the "leader" for that particular fight, BUT, as soon as someone signs a separate peace, it's every man for himself. Quick way to "opt out" of having peace dictated to you is to make peace with someone else you're fighting, and then it seems like you've got a blank cheque!
Slider settings: Ya...don't worry about more than the general relationships right now...the rest will come in time (centralization = almost always good//Narrow Minded - Fantastic for any latin tech group country, or anybody who wants to get serious about colonization, OR if you've got lossa off religion, off culture provs (lower stab costs offsets the spike from all those "different" lands and gives more missionaries to convert with)//Aristoc - I find more uses for it in the late game as it improves diplo ability, and this is the one slider I try to keep "in the center"//Nav - if you colonize at all, you need this!//FM....eh...not as hugely important as the others, and one that's seldom a priority, but when I move it, it is moved toward FM//Free Subjects - awesome if you've a fairly homogenous society...if not, take the morale hit and go serfdom!//Quality - Yes Please!//Shock - YES PLEASE!
Army size: Can't always do it, but I TRY not to ever let my military upkeep (at 50%) go above 10% of the overall size of my economy. Any more than that and you'll start to stifle long term growth.
Pillage: you can pillage a prov once every 13 months. One group of guys can pillage one prov per month.
Pillage is accomplished by moving through enemy territory, and ending the month IN a particular prov. Start of the new month, you'll see the graphic change on the map (looks like the city is burning)....that's the pillage graphic.
You get ~1/2 the prov's tax value, IIRC, added to whatever you're researching at the moment.
Siege and other tricks:
* Split your forces into all cav/all inf. before you enter enemy territory.
* After the battle, if you wanna move all your cav out, pause the game and order one of your groups to march out of the prov (doesn't matter which). This will "release the siege" (but the game is paused, so not really), allowing you to find your cav stack and give them orders, then order the infantry to resume the siege.
Unpause the game and rock on.
If you have sent multiple units TO a province to begin a siege, and need to remove some of them....
Right click, and "select all", then issue a "besiege" order.
Result: Leaves enough troops there to continue the siege, and sends the rest to wherever you say.
Cav begins to decrease in importance about the same time you see the first army graphic change (lvl 11) and continues to decline in importance from there. Some would argue that this point actually begins to occur at lvl 7, when artillery becomes available. Too soon, IMO.
Late game, you can easily get by with all inf. stacks. Early game...very dicey, and prolly the reason for your defeat at the hands of the Native American tribes, mentioned earlier.
Wartaxes: Outdated in 1.08...I NEVER use these anymore! Used to cost you a point of stab....not bad....now it raises inflation by 1%...not worth it.

From what I have observed, you're correct. Alliance leader does not necessarily equal Alliance Leader in a particular fight. Seems like the country that gets DoW'd is the "leader" for that particular fight, BUT, as soon as someone signs a separate peace, it's every man for himself. Quick way to "opt out" of having peace dictated to you is to make peace with someone else you're fighting, and then it seems like you've got a blank cheque!
Slider settings: Ya...don't worry about more than the general relationships right now...the rest will come in time (centralization = almost always good//Narrow Minded - Fantastic for any latin tech group country, or anybody who wants to get serious about colonization, OR if you've got lossa off religion, off culture provs (lower stab costs offsets the spike from all those "different" lands and gives more missionaries to convert with)//Aristoc - I find more uses for it in the late game as it improves diplo ability, and this is the one slider I try to keep "in the center"//Nav - if you colonize at all, you need this!//FM....eh...not as hugely important as the others, and one that's seldom a priority, but when I move it, it is moved toward FM//Free Subjects - awesome if you've a fairly homogenous society...if not, take the morale hit and go serfdom!//Quality - Yes Please!//Shock - YES PLEASE!

Army size: Can't always do it, but I TRY not to ever let my military upkeep (at 50%) go above 10% of the overall size of my economy. Any more than that and you'll start to stifle long term growth.
Pillage: you can pillage a prov once every 13 months. One group of guys can pillage one prov per month.
Pillage is accomplished by moving through enemy territory, and ending the month IN a particular prov. Start of the new month, you'll see the graphic change on the map (looks like the city is burning)....that's the pillage graphic.

Siege and other tricks:
* Split your forces into all cav/all inf. before you enter enemy territory.
* After the battle, if you wanna move all your cav out, pause the game and order one of your groups to march out of the prov (doesn't matter which). This will "release the siege" (but the game is paused, so not really), allowing you to find your cav stack and give them orders, then order the infantry to resume the siege.
Unpause the game and rock on.

If you have sent multiple units TO a province to begin a siege, and need to remove some of them....
Right click, and "select all", then issue a "besiege" order.
Result: Leaves enough troops there to continue the siege, and sends the rest to wherever you say.
Cav begins to decrease in importance about the same time you see the first army graphic change (lvl 11) and continues to decline in importance from there. Some would argue that this point actually begins to occur at lvl 7, when artillery becomes available. Too soon, IMO.
Late game, you can easily get by with all inf. stacks. Early game...very dicey, and prolly the reason for your defeat at the hands of the Native American tribes, mentioned earlier.
Wartaxes: Outdated in 1.08...I NEVER use these anymore! Used to cost you a point of stab....not bad....now it raises inflation by 1%...not worth it.
