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For the glory of Russia! A Muscow AAR.
Which patch are you playing, Serb? I was steadily getting better untill 1.06 and after, when I have been a moderate disaster...Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
Also active on WePlayCiv.
I find the best thing to do as a Russian minor to catch the Latin tech group is to concentrate solely on infrastructure/trade techs, going 1 for 1 with them till about 1500. Because you're fairly small up to that stage, and still inside your religious/culture provs, the actual cost of upgrading those two techs is pretty low. I try to get both to level 4 before 1500 (should be able to get infra4 by 1480), and then you go nuts on land tech. Because you've got awesome trade levels no one can kick you out of the CoTs, and your infra tech jumps your production revenue up, which is important if you stay on the serf side of that slider.
In the game above, in 1545 I had like infra/trade 5, land 18 and naval 11 (for shipyards). I was the clear leader in Europe. All because I totally ignored land/naval till 1500. Your natural growth in these areas (neighbour/monarch bonuses) is enough to keep up with the likes of Sweden, Lithuania and Poland.
Originally posted by Dale
In the game above, in 1545 I had like infra/trade 5, land 18 and naval 11 (for shipyards). I was the clear leader in Europe. All because I totally ignored land/naval till 1500. Your natural growth in these areas (neighbour/monarch bonuses) is enough to keep up with the likes of Sweden, Lithuania and Poland.
Btw, I have 5 traders almost in all known TC (except the most expensive Asian- India, etc) and no one kicks me out of them too despite that my trade level is lower (3 iirc, while majority of others have 4). I just signed trade agreements with a lot of countries while I already had 5 traders in foreign TC. I mean when I have 5 traders in TC, I sign a trade agreement with major powers who have their traders in the same TC, then wait untill I gain a lot of traders and diplomats again and go to conquer another market. It's my standart tactics. All I have to do now is to kick-out traders of minor countries if they somehow took my place on those markets.
Tell me Dale, how did you manage to get all that land in America by 1544?You are not a country of naval explorers to say so, and you are a long way from America by sea! And, do you think you'd get so good tech levels that fast without your possesions in America?
Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
Also active on WePlayCiv.
Originally posted by Serb
Nope, at least not for me. If I'm playing EU2, say 'good bye' to Poland."I realise I hold the key to freedom,
I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
Middle East!
How'd I get all that land in NA? Well I'm glad you asked.
In the 1460's I DoWed Norway (who by luck had dropped out of the Dane-Swede-Norway alliance). Captured their two colonies in the north quickly, sacked Oslo for their maps (they know the NE coast of Canada you know), captured the Greenland provinces from Norway and peaced out with Finmark and Greenland. Now since they're colonies/TP's I got 0BB and Norway's maps.
In 1495 I got a conquistador and it was a matter of ship him across to America and explore. I bee-lined directly for the rich Manhattan area till I came up against natives. As Russia, I was getting 3 colonists a year (2 + 1 for Finmark still being a colony making me a colonial nation) I popped a TP onto every square as I explored/de-natived them (except for very low/low aggressive ones). I worked on two cities in America and in the early 1520's built an army. The native tribes were in alliance with each other, so I only suffered -2 stab for DoWing effectively 4 tribes. Annexed the tribes, got their maps, and kept TP popping. Like I said above, almost every province in NA is a TP, except for a couple of good cities (like Manhattan for the CoT) and the native provs.
Hope that helps.
Holy ghost! Very impressive!I've never thought about that! BTW, I'm playing Muscowy myself now, but I am around 1470 and still I have only tech 3 in infra and researching tech 3 i trade...
Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
Also active on WePlayCiv.