I recently visited Amsterdam and I was suprised by some elements of the Dutch society. 

First I had the idea to have a look in one of those famous coffee shops some Apolytoners seem to frequent.

However some hungry looking poor little woofie seemed to be exited about my visit, so it wanted my unshared attention.

Unfortunately our friendship was quite short as the dog seemed abit hostile as it wanted have a blood biopsy without my consent.

Aha, so Fifi was just hungry.
Just wondering why his Dutch owner haven't fed him. Maybe it was on a diet... 

First I had the idea to have a look in one of those famous coffee shops some Apolytoners seem to frequent.

However some hungry looking poor little woofie seemed to be exited about my visit, so it wanted my unshared attention.

Unfortunately our friendship was quite short as the dog seemed abit hostile as it wanted have a blood biopsy without my consent.

Aha, so Fifi was just hungry.
