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AOM or SC4?

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  • #31
    Yeah, I know there's strategy in good RTS games... though such games are seldom made... the last real good RST game was The Settlers II... most games since then, has just been the "quick-build-an-army-and-destroy-your-opponent-ASAP" games

    I love games that takes many hours (1-2 hours is NOT many hours... I'm talking about 5+ hours) to win a single level... Sure, such games are not good for MP, but I don't play MP much... last time I played RTS game in MP, was with The Settlers III... but got boring at the end, because of the "Build-army-ASAP" concept...
    This space is empty... or is it?


    • #32
      Tiberian Sun was pretty good
      I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

      Asher on molly bloom


      • #33
        Originally posted by Datajack Franit
        Tiberian Sun was pretty good
        Go to the back of the class, and turn and face the corner. Do not come out until you starve to a horrible death.

        In case anyone is wondering, I disagree.


        • #34
          Well, I finally got some time to play AoM and I must say that I'm pleased with the game. When you play it for the first time, you'll get that "wow" factor because of the graphics, which are really beautiful. But graphics are not the most important thing, right?

          (Though it is soooo funny to see when a Kraken grabs your little soldier and throws him away... I can't help but have a smile in my face whenever I see it, wonderful attention to details).

          Gameplay-wise, AoM is incredibly similar to AoE (why wouldn't it be, anyway? ) and so it is easy to play. The interface is clean and easy to access, I really like the banners to manage groups of units. Plus, the tutorial game and the campaign are really interesting and well-done.

          My only complain is with the Portuguese version that I have; apart from the sexy female voice which instructs the player through the tutorial, the other voices are absolutely lame. But it is a minor complain.

          BTW, how do I zoom in the maps? I really couldn't find this anywere in the interface and I'm sure there is some hidden hotkeys to zoom in and out.

          All in all, I'm happy with the game: the mythological elements really add some spice to the game, there is great attention to detail in everything and the game is incredibly polished and refined for a RTS game.
          I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


          • #35
            Yes I also wondered what the zoom key was (btw it's not really zooming, it's lowering your camery so instead of a sort of isometric view you see your units more or less at eye-level (so you're not looking "down" on your units)

            most games since then, has just been the "quick-build-an-army-and-destroy-your-opponent-ASAP" games
            Firstly there is nothing wrong with quickbuild games... with strategy I mean there are many ways of conquering an opponent...

            for example a game such as Red alert2 where all ye gotta is build tons of AA guns, and then mass build prism tanks and chrono troopers at the enemy is boring as there is no strategy needed to win the game... you just have to have a build order with which you can build your base quicker than your opponent, that's just lame

            strategy would be more something like AoK, though it's hard to explain to unexperienced RTS players!
            "An archaeologist is the best husband a women can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie
            "Non mortem timemus, sed cogitationem mortis." - Seneca


            • #36
              I have played most RTS games now-a-days, but the faster the game goes, the less thinking is involved, and the less thinking, the less strategy is in the game... and the less strategy there is, the less fun it is (after-all it's called a real-time-strategy game

              Btw, what is AoK?
              This space is empty... or is it?


              • #37
                AOK = Age of Kings
                If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                • #38
                  There are many games, for the computer or otherwise, where the strategic element lies in doing the 'right thing' quickly. It is an element of strategic skill like any other.....IMO it should not be belittled.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by DrSpike
                    There are many games, for the computer or otherwise, where the strategic element lies in doing the 'right thing' quickly. It is an element of strategic skill like any other.....IMO it should not be belittled.
                    I call that reflexes (sp?), since it's mostly about doing the same thing: First build house x, then house Y, then produce warrior Z, then attack...

                    It's only seldom where there's several ways, to win on... (Well... of course, there's always several ways, but you quickly find the ultimate way, of winning the game... and then you spend the time practicing that way, until you can do it with your eyes closed )... Only very few RTS games out there, has several "ultimate" strategies...

                    Originally posted by FrustratedPoet
                    AOK = Age of Kings
                    Didn't play that much, but it felt like AoE(1) very much, and I never felt the strategy part of the game
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                    • #40
                      On the contrary good RTS (which are admittedly rare) allows for many different possible strategies.......this is what makes them so playable and makes 100,000s of people play games like AOM and Warcraft3 online.

                      Sure, execution is also important in RTS, but I think you should get some actual experience of good MP RTS before you criticise.........not liking RTS is fine, that's a taste thing, but don't pigeonhole bad RTS (which I hate) with well balanced and versatile games like Warcraft3.


                      • #41
                        Don't get me wrong... I love good RTS games... though it's been years since anyone released a good RTS game...
                        I don't play RTS games online (I did some years ago), since it ended up being always the same, there were no difference in how people played the game (Sure, you could always tell, if it was a newbie or not, but there were no difference between the pro's in the game)...

                        And I prefer long lasting games, and such games doesn't work as RTS in MP, since MP games are always set to last MAX 1 hour 30 minutes... and I just don't feel any strategy part, in 1 and a half hour play-time (Since in that short play-time it always (or should I say mostly) ends up in one huge fight at the end of the game (well... it's the end for the one who loses)... it's seldom you have to attack several times, to beat an opponent... at least that's my experience...)

                        I really hope RoN fixes this, but I wouldn't count on it...
                        This space is empty... or is it?


                        • #42
                          Better: use a p2p program and end this thread
                          Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


                          • #43
                            Don't get me wrong... I love good RTS games... though it's been years since anyone released a good RTS game...

                            Have you tried Kohan and Warlords Battlecry 2 or do you consider them to be years old?
                            Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                            • #44
                              I've never heard about Kohan, and only heard the name Warlords Battlecry, never seen it... or even heard what it was about...
                              This space is empty... or is it?


                              • #45
                                AOM or SC4? the answer is simple.

                                Defintely play Soul Calibur 4.

