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Lucasarts Space Flight Sims

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  • Lucasarts Space Flight Sims

    I just dug out an ancient but good-as-gold copy of XWing vs TIE Fighter and couldn't get over how good it was.

    I was wondering whether anybody out there still plays, and whether anybody knows if a message board exists for chatting (rather like Apolyton sprang up for TBS games).
    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ

  • #2
    I used to play those games, and still think they're great. It would be nice if Lucasarts would just do a newer version of one of them. They were nice, straightforward, and fun to play. That style of play just isn't done anymore; it's all Rogue-Squdron-esque stuff now (which is stil good, mind you, just different.)
    I make movies. Come check 'em out.


    • #3
      my favorite lucas arts game was tie fighter. Something about not having shields really made life interesting.

      and then i found freespace 2. . . . . mm mm good.
      By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


      • #4
        TIE Fighters were the craft of choice for the real skill player. It's always great fun to fly one against a newbie Rebel pilot who chooses an X-Wing and believes that it will automatically enable him to give you a beating.

        Lack of shields is more than made up for by a very small cross section and an amazing maneuverability.

        I also loved the plot for TIE Fighter. It blended in well with Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy and the missions were great fun.
        "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


        • #5
          LucasArts put out X-Wing Alliance a couple of years ago. The storyline was open-ended enough to suggest designs on an expansion, but there's been nothing forthcoming.


          • #6
            The storyline for XWing Alliance also looked, sounded, and smelled like it was written for a prepubescent male audience on the early side of attending high school.

            XvTIE, TIE Fighter, and XWing before it had plots that were increasingly mature and balanced, showing the Imperial side of the matter as well as the Rebels. XWing Alliance has you playing a teenage boy who is surrounded by "America's Funniest Family" (TM) characters, spends his afternoons flying around nonchalantly blasting the Imperials, and coming back home in time to try to date his female fellow pilots.

            Yech. I can almost smell the acne-encrusted sweaty tostesterone from here. Give me XvT any day.
            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


            • #7
              I used to play X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter! Awesome game!

              I loved the Interceptor. I played against my friend who was flying an X-Wing. It's soo cool how you can see them trying to run but end up behind them, shooting your laser's at 'em.

              Go Empire!
              Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
              Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
              *****Citizen of the Hive****
              "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


              • #8
                You guys are getting me interested again.

                2 questions -

                1. Are there any packages to buy most of the games together (I have X-Wing on CD and Tie Fighter on floppy, not to mention they both required boot disks on my old, old, old computer)?

                2. Is it a good idea to get a joystick? How about a really old and cheap one (that I have)?

                I liked the progression of the missions but I remember losing data or something and having to restart getting all the medals.
                I never know their names, But i smile just the same
                New faces...Strange places,
                Most everything i see, Becomes a blur to me
                -Grandaddy, "The Final Push to the Sum"


                • #9
                  Hmm, I should play some of these games again. I've only actually completed TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance (I abandoned X-Wing after deciding the Trench Run was impossible), and I haven't tried TIE Fighter on Hard. Haven't played XvT much; it just doesn't seem suited to single player, and I haven't tried MP.

                  I only visit a few sites occassionally, but I think the community for these games is dying. Try X-Wing Legacy. Also XWA Upgrade, a project to produce updated, more detailed ship models for X-Wing Alliance.

                  Originally posted by MacTBone
                  You guys are getting me interested again.

                  2 questions -

                  1. Are there any packages to buy most of the games together (I have X-Wing on CD and Tie Fighter on floppy, not to mention they both required boot disks on my old, old, old computer)?
                  I believe there's a package of X-Wing Alliance, and the updated windows versions of TIE Fighter and X-Wing called the X-Wing Trilogy. Strangely enough, I don't think XvT is in it.

                  2. Is it a good idea to get a joystick? How about a really old and cheap one (that I have)?
                  Yes, you could say that's a good idea, considering the game requires one. But any old two-button one should do.


                  • #10
                    TIE Fighter and X Wing did not require them but playing with a mouse was very tiring - your shoulder was always moving the mouse to get your ship to turn.

                    Try to get a good joystick for the game - one that has a good range of precision movement (comes in handy for getting the lock-ons with lasers that the Mouse makes so easy but which joysticks don't).

                    I remember there was a modding tool for the game a while back. I might try to find that and use it. Some of the stats for the ships make no sense and the ships are very poorly balanced. A few changes I would make include:

                    Reducing the hull strength of a B-wing and increasing the Y-wing's hull strength.

                    Increasing the payload of a TIE Bomber, which at present is the same as a TIE Advanced or A-wing.

                    Disabling any warheads at all for the TIE Fighter and TIE Interceptor models. (Their immense agility and speed make up for this in dogfighting and they are not meant for starship heavy attack anyway.)

                    Thoughts? Comments? Supercharged ion cannon blasts?
                    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                    • #11
                      God I remember tie fighter... erm.. yes I still have a copy... and of x wing vs also... but the latter is pretty rubbish and the former has no compatibility with my newer joysticks...

                      However I still have a few old 2 button ones that might run it fine... don't ever remember it having multiplayer though. Shame that. I was so much more pleasant than rogue squadron... ghh.


                      • #12
                        The multiplayer one that you're thinking of is the sequel to both, called X Wing vs TIE Fighter. It was ahead of its time, back in the days when online play and multiplay was in its infancy. Understandably, players grew disgruntled as their hardware couldn't cope with the demands.

                        But now the game is very playable on most computer systems and it's great fun to boot.

                        Right now I have found several mission editors online and am trying to learn how they work.
                        "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
                          The multiplayer one that you're thinking of is the sequel to both, called X Wing vs TIE Fighter. It was ahead of its time, back in the days when online play and multiplay was in its infancy. Understandably, players grew disgruntled as their hardware couldn't cope with the demands.

                          But now the game is very playable on most computer systems and it's great fun to boot.

                          Right now I have found several mission editors online and am trying to learn how they work.

                          The strongpoint of XvT was it's ability to easily add custom single player missions, unlike TIE Fighter and XWA, which require you to finish the main game, and in XWA in particulary, building custom missions (NOTE: NOT the ingame editor) requires you to download custom models for the Gunboat if you want the player to fly it.

                          Now if LEC would take XWA, and make an XvT version complete with a FULL editor to build missions outside the game (since the jerk who made the XWA editor is charging money, guess he learned how popular his XvT and BoP editors were), and also brings back the SLAM system for the Missile Boat, and restoreing the original speeds on the T/A and T/D fighters (145MGLTs and 156MGLTs respect.).

                          If LEC would do that, I would forgive them for making some of their latest hack job games.
                          I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


                          • #14
                            I think LEC did an astonishingly bad job in balancing out the craft. The TIE Bomber, for example, is practically useless as it is outclassed by every single other Imperial ship in some way or another.

                            I'm in it for the gameplay and I hope to be able to even out some of the kinks in the design.

                            I have XWA and the single player mission appears to be aimed exclusively at the "fourteen year old boy" age group. Such a pity - the games before that were pretty good and didn't insult the player with a predictable plot and tedious family missions that one could not give a womprat's ass about.

                            Update: I have found out that MXvTED doesn't work on my version because I have to get updated versions of both my XvT.exe file and the editor itself. More on this later in case anybody is interested.
                            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                            • #15
                              Uh, I don't recall XvT having much of a plot at all. The expansion, Balance of Power, did, but it still was far less than its predecessors. I think Lucasarts basically admitted it was a dry run for the MP features of X-Wing Alliance.

                              TIE Fighter is still the best space sim I've played, and probably stands as the best SW game ever made.
                              Tutto nel mondo è burla

