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Does anyone play Chess?

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  • Does anyone play Chess?

    Or is this forum only for computer games?

    I like Chess but an exceedingly rustly and quite crap. Does anyone fancy a PBEM game? PM me if you do...

  • #2
    I like chess, but I suck at it.
    Talent Optional


    • #3
      ditto. My brain is no computer. I have trouble planning several moves ahead. Although I seem to be able to do it for civilization a little bit better. But that is because the unit movements are more linear and easier to picture in my head.


      • #4
        Julius Brenzaida is the Apolyton Chess Champion so yes we have played chess here before.He crushed me like a bug 3 separate times as well as several others.Strong player

        Modern "correspondence" chess is very popular these days with numerous sites running.

        2 good ones are

        Stan's NetChess

        RedHot Pawn

        Both allow play for free and you can play when you want/can.10 moves a day or 1 move a week..doesn't matter.
        The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


        • #5
          I have some redhotpawn games going.......though if you spend much time playing I strongly recommend you check out ICC (Internet Chess Club), of which I was a member when I played a lot.


          • #6
            I play, but I suck in the internet because everyone wants to play 15 second blitz games.

            I also suck against the computer, but then, most people I hear get creamed by K-Chess Elite.
            I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


            • #7
              I like the grand tactical sweep, but come unstuck on little things, like leaving pieces exposed. Why can't players appreciate the genius of my rook sacrifice for what it is? Can't they just overlook the fact that they can mate me in thred? - it's so pedantic to go through with it, it really is.


              • #8
                I used to play quite often, but haven't played a serious game in about eight years (though I've played, and trounced, my stuck-up ass of a cousin several times in the interim, just for ****s and giggles). The problem that I eventually encountered in competitive play was that other players would memorize a slew of openings and gambits, and they would beat me as a result. The only way that I could effectively counter this "memorize and regurgitate" style of play was to do my own memorization and regurgitation, but the idea of memorizing the first twenty-odd moves of a game struck me as being both cheap and boring (and altogether not very fun). So, I stopped playing competitively, and haven't actively sought non-competitive games (except when visiting my cousin) -- I'm a bit rusty at the moment, and intend to stay that way.
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                • #9
                  Chess vs. other PC strategy games?

                  If you're interested, I'd love to have a discussion pitting chess against other PC strategy games. Before you dismiss the idea, hear me out. No, I don't want to get into the "chess is better because...", or "Civ is better because...", nor do I want a debate of which game is more complex.

                  Instead, I'd like to hear your own personal opinions of the two. Why do you favor one over the other? If you play both types of games, what is it about chess that keeps bringing you back, and what does chess lack that you find in other PC strategy games?

                  I often find when I play PC strategy games that many of them are thinly-veiled versions of chess with many more pieces and possible moves. So I end up wondering why I don't just play chess. But something inside won't let me completely turn away from the PC games.

                  Anyway, let's talk about what we love and hate in comparing these two types of games.

                  Fire away!


                  • #10
                    They both have the "memorize and regurgitate" weakness to some degree or another, IMO. In some regards TBS games are less susceptible to this problem than chess (since TBS games have semi-random starting configurations, e.g. random maps), but in other regards they're much more susceptible to the problem since there are fewer variables to a TBS game than to a chess game (in chess a slight change in board configuration can result in an entirely different game scenario, whereas a TBS is usually much more resistant to such "chaotic" game shifts -- a stack of 7 tanks is pretty much the same as a stack of 6 tanks, a city of 20 pop is pretty much the same as a city with 21 pop, etc.), so a much shorter look-ahead is required.

                    Another major difference is that most TBS games have some probabilistic factors involved ("Will the enemy's archers destroy my bombers?"), while chess does not (a pawn always attacks the same board locations, and it always instantly kills the piece at that location).
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                    • #11
                      Well I kind of illustrated why I like TBS games better. The linear movement makes it much, much easier to plan moves ahead. Something I cannot do so well with chess.

                      Plus controlling an army, and an empire is just cool.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Thrawn05
                        I play, but I suck in the internet because everyone wants to play 15 second blitz games.
                        An element of truth perhaps, but as in the SP/MP thread you are overstating the case. At ICC for example (the most popular online chess server) there are rooms for players that want to play 90 minute games etc, and they are usually populated. As with your quake comments you just have to look to see why they are not true.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by loinburger
                          The problem that I eventually encountered in competitive play was that other players would memorize a slew of openings and gambits, and they would beat me as a result. The only way that I could effectively counter this "memorize and regurgitate" style of play was to do my own memorization and regurgitation, but the idea of memorizing the first twenty-odd moves of a game struck me as being both cheap and boring (and altogether not very fun).
                          This is a common gripe, and not without reason, because at some levels it is annoying. However up till ELO 2000 at least openings are largely irrelevant, since the players are not skilled enough to retain an opening advantage throughout the game.

                          After reaching this level my approach was to learn some openings that weren't razor sharp, where strategic motifs were more important than memorising streams of moves. For example you have to avoid the open should play the closed if you wish to avoid cutthroat theory. With a little effort you can build a repertoire that doesn't require familiarity with umpteen lines.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DrSpike

                            An element of truth perhaps, but as in the SP/MP thread you are overstating the case. At ICC for example (the most popular online chess server) there are rooms for players that want to play 90 minute games etc, and they are usually populated. As with your quake comments you just have to look to see why they are not true.
                            Just like there will always be people hateing whatever either a democrate or republication is saying, there will always people who will blindly back up MP.

                            I'm not NEVER overstating my case in MP. I have been to IGN and, and all that everyone wants to do is play 15 second blitze games.
                            I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by loinburger
                              I'm a bit rusty at the moment, and intend to stay that way.
                              I'll drink to that!

                              I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!

