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  • Cossacks

    Does anybody play Cossacks? I have this game and the Art of War expansion and I just can't get enough. I'm not a huge RTS fan but this one has my attention.

    Probably because of the huge battles you can have. I can't wait to try it multiplayer (still working on getting some friends interested in it). It should be a blast! What do you guys think?

  • #2
    I like cossacks, but can't really figure it out... Could you please give me some strategies since I don't have the time to learn by trial by error?
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    • #3
      I'm no pro at it, and haven't really played other people, but what I tend to do is build as many cheap units as possible in the beginning to defend while pumping out peasants to gather resources.

      I like to use the diplomatic centers for cheap 5 gold units, mainly as cannon fodder. You can set it to build them indefinately by hitting CTRL while clicking on the picture (you can do this for building any unit).

      I also try and get as many mines as possible, and generally get as many peasants working the land as I can. Then you can work on getting the better units available (like upgrading your musketmen) and really start whooping some arse. It isn't entirely necessary to get awesome musketmen, but I like to hold off on an early attack and get the better shooters. Oh, and don't forget the cavalry

      Artillery is fun too. I really like those mortars and multi-barreled cannon. Mortars have a really good range and you can cause serious damage to buildings when you get a lot of them together. With the multi-barreled cannons you can take out a ton of troops easily, but make sure if they advance passed them that they don't turn around and start shooting your own troops!


      • #4
        I have Cossacks:AoW too, but don't play it anymore.

        never actually played it all the much to begin with


        • #5
          Isn't cossacks just jazzed up AOE2?


          • #6
            I own Cossacks and sorta liked it for a while (like 3-4 weeks), but then ceased to play it. As RTS it's nice and allows epic battles, but the latter turn into gigantic clickfests.


            • #7
              My gigantic battles aren't really any bigger click fests than any other RTS I've played. You can organize divisions with officers to limit it also.

              I played the original AOE and really didn't like it. I think I like how Cossacks just sticks to one time period (17th-18th century)


              • #8
                I also think cossakcs is the best RTS I have played: what i like most is the way I can control masses of units. Its not he numbers, but the fact that I can have working divisions, so battles aren't just clikcfests, since the tactics of placing units can have an impact.

                The way they limited the number of arty does help: it was too easy before to have a huge battery and kill the enmy, no problem.

                My biggest grippe is that the AI doesn't use divisions very effectively, specially with better units like Musketeers and 17th century musketeers, and it relies to heavily on mercenaries, and never upgrades its mines sufficiently.
                If you don't like reality, change it! me
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                "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                • #9
                  I agree completely with you. Before AoW I had like 30 artillery and just pounded any troops that came my way until I was ready to take 'em out. Battles are easier to control if you use divisions effectively.

                  I personally like to use smaller divisions instead of larger ones (like having two groups of 72 rather than 120). It makes me use more clicking but for me allows more strategy in moving them around.

                  Another thing I like about the game is how resources are never used up. I mean, when you chop trees they never run out, same with mines, farms, etc. I guess it could be interesting to have to fight over those resources but I think it balances the game better and leaves more time for building units and battling.

                  Who's got a favorite country to use? I like to use Ukraine or Bavaria (sp?)


                  • #10
                    I lkie it better than AOE2 you get more troops to play with. and I hate priset units

                    Is the expansion worth getting?
                    Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.
                    Douglas Adams (Influential author)


                    • #11
                      I think there's since been another expansion after Art of War, but I don't have that one. I can't remember all the details for Art of War, but I know there were some countries added, larger maps (2x and 4x the size they are in the original), improved sound - I especially noticed it on the artillery.

                      You can group divisions together, make cavalry divisions. There is also a limit on artillery. You can only build five cannon, 5 howitzers, 5 multi-barreled, and 30 mortars per each artillery depot.

                      For random maps there are a lot more options at the start of the game - too many for me to remember. It's probably even selling cheaper than it did when it came out (which was $20 if I remember correctly).

                      I just checked Ebgames and it is $20 still. I also noticed the Cossacks: Back to War which is NOT an expansion, just the original Cossacks with the Art of War together for $40. It will be released on Nov. 18, so if you were planning on getting both I would wait until it comes out and get it cheaper.

