Found this on usenet. This is the bugfix list for the
patch that is to be released Very Soon Now. Notably
MP is finally in, a myriad different bugfixes, some
quite serious, a rebalancing of some spells that would
make MP useless as they are right now. Five new MP maps.
No mention of fixing the abysmal AI though.
Added support for Multiplayer sessions. See the "Multiplayer" section for
Correctly implemented the [Space Bar] hotkey in the Army Info Screen and its
effect on troop movement.
Eliminated an undesirable side effect of the 'H' and 'T' hotkeys and army
stack 'drag and drop'.
Having a Hypnotized mage cast Town Gate during combat now gates out the
mage's controller's army, eliminating a crash if the mage's owner's army had
nowhere to go.
The Teleport and Displacement spells are now affected by Magic Resistance
when cast on hostile creatures.
The Purse of Penny Pinching now correctly reduces the cost of troops when
purchasing them.
Fire Ring spell can now be used around friendly units including the caster.
Heroes can now use Holy Water on themselves.
In Siege combat, the castle walls now give the attackers the ranged-attack
In Siege combat, the defenders can now target points outside of the castle
with spells like Fireball and Fire Ring.
The experience point allotment from the Stealth Skill has been adjusted to
match that of combat.
Dead heroes no longer gain Stealth experience.
You can now cast attack spells on creatures you control via Hypnotize.
Casting Town Gate while on a boat no longer leaves you as a land boat.
The Campaign High Score screen now displays the correct creature portrait
for the level attained.
Item and creature giving placed events now distinguish between a Human
player and a computer player.
Sanctuary spell now lasts for 6 rounds and cannot be recast by the same Hero
for 3 rounds after it has expired.
Players can no longer Right-Click on Armies covered by the Fog of War or are
hidden by a Hero with Stealth.
Robe of the Guardian is now correctly represented on the Hero right-click
screen in Combat.
When learning magic skills from a University or Seminary, you now get the
mage guild spells at the time you learn the skill.
Sacrifice can no longer be cast on troops you don't own but temporarily
control via Hypnotize.
The Martyr link is broken whenever the protectors are hypnotized or
Hypnotize and the mermaid's hypnotize ability can now be used to cancel
existing hypnotizes.
When an enemy army uses charm or diplomacy to bribe some of the player's
creatures, they now get a message box telling them about the creatures lost.
Added a more descriptive message when trying to Town Gate out of combat to a
town that is too close and is the only one that player owns.
The combat AI now allows the last frame to play before their action.
When switching to another town in the town window, the correct town music
now plays.
- - - - - - - - -
- Map Specific -
We've added five multiplayer specific maps that can be found in the
"Multiplayer" subfolder.
They are:
Barbarians from Below
Jester's Revenge
River Crossing
Uninvited Guest
Note: any Scenario maps that have two or more Human Player starting
positions can be played as multiplayer maps.
patch that is to be released Very Soon Now. Notably
MP is finally in, a myriad different bugfixes, some
quite serious, a rebalancing of some spells that would
make MP useless as they are right now. Five new MP maps.
No mention of fixing the abysmal AI though.

Added support for Multiplayer sessions. See the "Multiplayer" section for
Correctly implemented the [Space Bar] hotkey in the Army Info Screen and its
effect on troop movement.
Eliminated an undesirable side effect of the 'H' and 'T' hotkeys and army
stack 'drag and drop'.
Having a Hypnotized mage cast Town Gate during combat now gates out the
mage's controller's army, eliminating a crash if the mage's owner's army had
nowhere to go.
The Teleport and Displacement spells are now affected by Magic Resistance
when cast on hostile creatures.
The Purse of Penny Pinching now correctly reduces the cost of troops when
purchasing them.
Fire Ring spell can now be used around friendly units including the caster.
Heroes can now use Holy Water on themselves.
In Siege combat, the castle walls now give the attackers the ranged-attack
In Siege combat, the defenders can now target points outside of the castle
with spells like Fireball and Fire Ring.
The experience point allotment from the Stealth Skill has been adjusted to
match that of combat.
Dead heroes no longer gain Stealth experience.
You can now cast attack spells on creatures you control via Hypnotize.
Casting Town Gate while on a boat no longer leaves you as a land boat.
The Campaign High Score screen now displays the correct creature portrait
for the level attained.
Item and creature giving placed events now distinguish between a Human
player and a computer player.
Sanctuary spell now lasts for 6 rounds and cannot be recast by the same Hero
for 3 rounds after it has expired.
Players can no longer Right-Click on Armies covered by the Fog of War or are
hidden by a Hero with Stealth.
Robe of the Guardian is now correctly represented on the Hero right-click
screen in Combat.
When learning magic skills from a University or Seminary, you now get the
mage guild spells at the time you learn the skill.
Sacrifice can no longer be cast on troops you don't own but temporarily
control via Hypnotize.
The Martyr link is broken whenever the protectors are hypnotized or
Hypnotize and the mermaid's hypnotize ability can now be used to cancel
existing hypnotizes.
When an enemy army uses charm or diplomacy to bribe some of the player's
creatures, they now get a message box telling them about the creatures lost.
Added a more descriptive message when trying to Town Gate out of combat to a
town that is too close and is the only one that player owns.
The combat AI now allows the last frame to play before their action.
When switching to another town in the town window, the correct town music
now plays.
- - - - - - - - -
- Map Specific -
We've added five multiplayer specific maps that can be found in the
"Multiplayer" subfolder.
They are:
Barbarians from Below
Jester's Revenge
River Crossing
Uninvited Guest
Note: any Scenario maps that have two or more Human Player starting
positions can be played as multiplayer maps.