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Top: Game top list.

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  • If my 1st post did not count.... i guess i have to follow, your rules..... But I Love HoMM, SMAC, and Civ2 equally....but if someone w/ a gun forced me to choose between them then it would be....

    1. HoMM
    2. SMAC
    3. Civ2
    4. HL
    5. Starcraft
    someone teach me baduk


    • Your first post did count. If you love them equally, you can give them points equally.
      I don't mind changing your vote to the one above, but I'm guessing you would prefer it in the previous form.
      (And you managed to assign the right amount of points total - 25)
      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


      • 1.) CTP 1/2
        2.) M.U.L.E
        3.) Elite (nobody can beat the original)
        4.) Wizardy (AD&D.......)
        5.) Battle Isle


        • I'm having a feeling that I will sooner or later regret these selections... Oh well.

          1 - Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, sadly underrated when it was published. (10 points)
          2 - Heroes of Might and Magic (King's bounty) -series... no comments on this one (6 points).
          3 - Split between X-Com -series (2 points) and Jagged Alliance -series (2 points).
          4 - Civilization - Mainly because of Civ I, though, which was brilliant in its time. (2 points)
          5 - Homeworld, a brilliant RTS with a truly unique atmosphere, considering the time it was created. (1 point)

          And my honorary (great spelplink) mentions (no points) go to:
          Master of Orion
          Grand Theft Auto
          Last edited by RGBVideo; December 12, 2002, 10:07.


          • From top to bottom... (to add suspense )

            5. Anno 1602 (1 p)
            I wanted to get this to the list because it's the first computer game I bought, and the first I got seriously addicted to.

            4. Outcast (1 p) and X-COM series (1 p)
            Outcast is a nice, well written adventure game. X-Com is... well, X-Com!

            3. Fallout series (2 p) and Baldur's Gate series (2 p)
            Excellent RPGs. You can't go wrong with Monty Python references.

            2. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (6 p)
            Best strategy game I've ever played, and the reason I'm stuck on Poly in the first place. Great source of fan fiction to write, too. MP, as rarely as I can enjoy it, is excellent.

            And, finally...

            1. Final Fantasy series (10 p)
            Without a doubt. I've played these games for hundreds of hours. Immersive stories (I usually cry at the endings), great music (Uematsu is God), good gameplay.
            Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


            • Updated.

              Tuomerehu and Kassiopeia, you both have 2 points available to assign to whatever you want.
              Thief is a good series...
              Let me know if you want to use those points for any series.
              I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


              • I do? I'll give 1 p to the System Shock series and 1 p to Xenogears then.
                Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                • A good time for last orders would be 31 Dec 2002.

                  We could turn this into an annual event then.
                  One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                  • I like that plan.

                    Although Civ would probably win every year.

                    Next year would have RON and MOO3 in it, though.
                    If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                    • Tuomerehu and Kassiopeia, you both have 2 points available to assign to whatever you want.
                      Yeah, sure, I knew that

                      1 point for Thief, 1 point for Warlords.


                      • 1) Starcraft

                        2) Operation Flashpoint

                        3) Unreal Tournament

                        4) Half-life

                        5) GTA


                        • Originally posted by Sagacious Dolphin
                          A good time for last orders would be 31 Dec 2002.

                          We could turn this into an annual event then.
                          And so it shall be.
                          Updates will be done soon, can't do this while at work though.
                          I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                          • Updated.

                            For those who haven't voted yet, you have around 16 days left.

                            For those who have voted, how do you think the next version of this should be: Continue with the series votes, or vote for single games (such that a vote for Civilization 2 would be seperate from a vote for Civilization 3).
                            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                            • Good idea.

                              1. CTP
                              2. Pirates ( Arrgh! Those were the days )
                              3. Command & Conquer (Red Alert, of course)
                              4. Grand Theft Auto ( Not that I play the missions )
                              5. Defender of the Crown ( C64 & Amiga )

                              Best of the rest: Simcity, Warcraft, Starcraft, Goldeneye,
                              Wizball, Ultima, Diablo, Whack the Ewok, Red Lightning,
                              Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, oh, and of course, Harpoon!

                              I probably have spent more time on Civ2 than most of the
                              games I voted for ( 38 hours straight, without amphetamines )
                              combined, but at this stage, what's the point of voting for it?

                              Last edited by lunger75; December 15, 2002, 11:51.
                              "If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure" - Dan Quayle
                              "Where the hell is Australia anyway?" - Britney Spears


                              • 1. Call to Power
                                2. Panzer General
                                3. Civilization
                                4. Master of Orion
                                5. SimCity

