I just recently rented this game for the X-Box, and a small piece of me died when I returned it.
Guess I'm going to have to buy it.
Anyways this thread is to tell about some of your experiences, and ambitions with this game.
I'm thinking I would like to create a hunter/alchemist class. Basically it would be an alchemist who prefers to find their own ingredients as opposed to purchasing them. This class would have Alchemy, Shortsword, Marksman, Light Armour, and Mercantile as it's major skills. Mercantile because they would sell their product. (granted this one may or may not stay).
What do you think?
Guess I'm going to have to buy it.
Anyways this thread is to tell about some of your experiences, and ambitions with this game.
I'm thinking I would like to create a hunter/alchemist class. Basically it would be an alchemist who prefers to find their own ingredients as opposed to purchasing them. This class would have Alchemy, Shortsword, Marksman, Light Armour, and Mercantile as it's major skills. Mercantile because they would sell their product. (granted this one may or may not stay).
What do you think?