So whats this? I read an article in Maximum PC that projects by 2004, most all of gamesites will have already gone p2p (pay to play). The inner circle at are already discussing this now. People just dont seem to be clicking the advertisments. So they have realeased Halfway (no ads and special text for small fee. Plus membership) And gamespy, has implemented somthing similiar. But no matter what it doesnt seem to be working. Revenues have fallen off a cliff since the places opened. There are serouis discussion to make these sites "Subscription based" or they will have to go under. Places like Sony Station and have already went under or charged a fee for some of there services.
So? Does this threaten to ruin the mplayer gaming industry? Would you pay for mplayer services?
Discuss..... fee, or no mp
So? Does this threaten to ruin the mplayer gaming industry? Would you pay for mplayer services?
Discuss..... fee, or no mp