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GTA3 PC: Opinions?

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  • GTA3 PC: Opinions?

    i do not have a ps2 and do not want to get one, but i am intrested in gta3, it sounds cool. i have gta 1 and gta london, didnt like gta2 as much, nor london, but gta3 looks like it has a huge amount of freedom and fun.
    what do you people think?
    ps2 owners can comment on gta 3 on ps2.
    Just my 2p.
    Which is more than a 2 cents, about one cent more.
    Which shows you learn something every day.

  • #2
    It's pretty good. There's lots to see and do, and there are loads of secrets. Often, it's more fun to just go on a rampage.

    The missions get kind of samey after a while though.

    The radio stations are pretty amusing, especially chatterbox, the talk radio station.

    One small problem is that it is pretty pointless to use your weapons unless you can't get to the target on foot, since it's much easier to run people over than shoot them.


    • #3
      on pc it should be easy to aim using mouse, although i see your point, it comes out 23rd this month.
      i dont do missions anyway, on gta 1 i just stay on the first city.
      can you destoy the rail system like gta 1, where i drove a bus on the rail line and the train ran into it and stopped, then the other train came... boom! or just take over the train and dont let it leave, then when the other train comes, get out, run, and again, booom!
      other evil tricks with trains, shoot when people go near the station, they run across the lines... zzapp! mwahahahaha!
      Just my 2p.
      Which is more than a 2 cents, about one cent more.
      Which shows you learn something every day.


      • #4
        There's no rail system in GTA3. There is a subway system, and a monorail, however,and you can take a car right into the subway station. There's probably a way to drive onto the monorail track but I haven't found it.


        • #5
          thx, a friend said they raced a train down the subway
          Just my 2p.
          Which is more than a 2 cents, about one cent more.
          Which shows you learn something every day.


          • #6
            I am getting it for PC, no question of it.

            One nice bonus is the ability to customize the main character's skin.


            • #7
              The game (PS2 version) was great. when it comes out for the PC, just hope they don't try and hold in the back of the store and refuse to sell it like they did with the PS2 version. something about too much violence and stuff


              • #8
                My roommate has GTA3 on his PS2. Personally I think it's one of the most massively overrated games of all time, but if you like this stuff, it is in fact a good game. Probably the most interesting things as far as I was concerned was the physics engine, which allowed you to do some pretty wild things with your cars and look good while doing it, and the radio, which is absolutely hillarious. The actual missions are everything you've been doing since GTA1 (I can't believe that some reviews talked about the "mature plot" of a game where you get to run around on the sidewalks killing civilians. Fun, maybe, but most definitley immature), with the downside that instead of killing cartoony sprites in GTA1 (which I quite enjoyed doing), the people now look realistic and bleed as you beat them with your stick on the ground while everybody happily ignores you.
                All syllogisms have three parts.
                Therefore this is not a syllogism.


                • #9
                  I wish they'd make an MMORPG GTA.


                  • #10
                    The question would be: How will the game run on my machine...I have about 50Mhz more than minimum needed, so I guess the game wont be that much pleasure for me
                    This space is empty... or is it?


                    • #11
                      It all comes down to your video card, what with all the models on screen.

