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The future of MMOG's?

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  • The future of MMOG's?

    Do you think games like Everquest, wwIIonline, and Camelot really have a huge following? I mean. I enjoy these huge massive mplayer games. But time is my issue. Who has the time to actually excel in these games.I do enjoy my wwii game. But I see people get soooo addicted to it. I just dont understand, last night I met a guy named Kirk226 who quit his job, divorced his wife just so he could play 18 hours a day...... And this is only the begining of MMORPG's. Soon, more realistic, more detailed. How do we deal with this? There will be a whole freakin generation of MMOG addicts in the next century


  • #2
    MMORPG's aren't really games, they're lifestyle choices ... I enjoyed playing Camelot for a while, but when I realised that I would have to play for about a million hours before I could even do any RvR then i gave up .... why does it take so long to level up in those games? ... it makes the experience of playing them more like a teeth extraction than a game.

    What type of person must you be to divorce your wife to play a computer game more ... ? Society is perhaps better off without people like that.

    Time is indeed the big issue ... in order to play a MMORPG properly you need to immerse yourself in the game's environment, but they're always so dull and lifeless that there doesn't seem to be any point in doing so.
    If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


    • #3
      My old Ultima Online guild was a group of people that only played 6-8 hours a was fun to play the game with a group of people that weren't obsessed for a change.

      But yes, there is a big following, and it'll just get bigger. The game's a drug, like it or not.


      • #4
        Exactly. If some of my friends were keen on playing MMORPG's then it would be great fun 'cos we could meet up, hang out for a while and kill a few monsters ... pretty neat.

        There are too many trolls, griefers and 1337 kiddies playing the games. Whenever I find a group of people who are friendly and mature I have lots of fun playing ... but when I log on again a couple of days later they've leveled up several times and I can't play with them anymore. It's a shame.
        If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


        • #5
          Poet, I agree. Society is better off. But then, we have to pay for those guys anyway.

          getting back.

          The game of WW2Online is fun. But again, I dont understand this. I see the AHC/GHC commanders...these guys are hardcore. They direct the fighting, put the divisions and giv orders to Squad leaders. Direct attacks/Defense. They are rest for them. Ask what they do in real life ; there answer is usually nothing. Which amazes me.

          Ya i ****in griefers and that stupid l33t ****. That pisses me off. I cant want for bug proofed software. And I certainly cant wait for the Global Welfare state ; so I have more time on my hands to actually play and advance in these things. Till then, 6 hours on Saturday is all I can pull.


          • #6
            I agree. Even games like Diablo2 suffer from such obsessions. I like to play with casual gamers. Some of those guys in D2 are so hard core they really laugh at you when you prefer to go through the game with "lesser" weapons. The game is more than having uber equipment. Well maybe not .

            This is why I never have played a MMOG or any game that has a monthly fee. First off, I would have to play many hours in that month to get my money's worth. I just can't predict if I'll have enough time to do so. Once in a blue moon I actually find women who will go out with me . That throws a wrench in my computer gaming habits.

            While that new star wars online game looks amazing. I'll have to wait and see.

            Until then no game with monthly fees for me


            • #7
              Most mplayer/mmog's are pay. Even sony station went subscription! The ad market is crap. You cant run forever cheapskate.

              10$ a month isnt that much. Just a few pack of smokes or half tank of gas for me.


              • #8
                rip off. That's well over $100 a year. And don't tell me that isn't a lot of money .

                No computer game is worth that much .


                • #9
                  Well, that is alot of money. And its actually 120$ a year

                  However, I do believe I get my bang for the buck.

                  Gamespy and are also considering going subscription


                  • #10
                    Thats assuming you are still playing the game for a year. How often does that happen these days?
                    I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Dissident
                      rip off. That's well over $100 a year. And don't tell me that isn't a lot of money .

                      No computer game is worth that much .

                      That's 13-15 movies in a theater, or about 30 hours of entertainment for $100.

                      Or you can pay $100 to play a fun game online.

                      Even if you only play one hour a week (unheard of), that's 52 hours of entertainment. I say movies aren't worth that much.


                      • #12
                        and your not even counting the buttered cardboa......i mean popcorn! 4.50 a bucket!


                        • #13
                          Star Wars Galaxies is about to come out. It takes place on (I believe) 8 worlds, each larger than Everquest.

                          The future is Sony MMOGs.


                          • #14
                            That's how I make my purchasing decisions for all computer games. If I think I'm going to have 30 hours of fun playing it, then a £30 game is one of the cheapest forms of entertainment available. For multiplayer games I can - and do- arrange a day when a whole crowd of us gather to play boardgames or pnp RPG's, but they are hard to do now we have all spread out and got social lives and jobs. Not possible to do for a couple of hours on a wet wednesday evening though. Thats where online RPG's make some impact. Gaming with at least a little social interaction and its relatively cheap as long as you have time to get 10 hours of fun out of the game every month.

                            I'm not looking forward to SWG because I expect it to be based upon Sony/Verant's previous principles, i.e. make everything worthwhile take inordinate amounts of time to achieve. Camelot is a far better game for non-fanatics because it is much easier to gain medium to high level. Unfortunately that means it endures some criticism from the 24:7 players who don't have enough to challenge them once they hit the Xp ceiling.
                            To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Zkribbler
                              Star Wars Galaxies is about to come out. It takes place on (I believe) 8 worlds, each larger than Everquest.

                              The future is Sony MMOGs.

                              How is that possible!!!!?

                              I play EQ on Sonystation occasionally. And the size of that world is immense already.

