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TOAW II elite

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  • #16
    I have TOAW ACOW edition and I must say it's a great, no wait awesome game!

    Faded Glory, have you tried the Israel/Mideast 1967 scenario? That is my personal favourite and it's also a huge scenario. Very tough to win no matter which side you chose to play. As far as I can tell the scenario has all the historically correct units that were invovled.
    signature not visible until patch comes out.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Eli
      Is it a new game? (one that cannot be easily downloadable)

      It's not a new game, I found my copy in the bargain section of my local software store. However it is a tough game to find now in the stores. I believe you can still order it online. Try or

      It's well worth the effort to find this game if you enjoy wargames. Their are at least 5 middle east scenarios in the game. The War For Independance, The 1956 Sinai Campaign, The 1967 Six Day War, The 1973 Yom Kippur War, and a what if scenario set in 2000.
      signature not visible until patch comes out.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Haupt. Dietrich
        I have TOAW ACOW edition and I must say it's a great, no wait awesome game!

        Faded Glory, have you tried the Israel/Mideast 1967 scenario? That is my personal favourite and it's also a huge scenario. Very tough to win no matter which side you chose to play. As far as I can tell the scenario has all the historically correct units that were invovled.

        I have the 67 scenario! We should get together for a PBEM sometime.....I prefer the 73 Arab Israeli wars. But it works for me. Yes I love the game.

        have you tried the Israel/Mideast 1967 scenario?
        Israel is too hard. Ever send the T-34's against Centurions? The best shot is in 73' Bar Lev and Golan are weak, and you can take those and fortify. Oh there is also the 56 invasion.

        I tried some of the Vietnam and Civil war ones. But I got bored with those quickly. I do enjoy the ME wars tho. Alot. I made my own.....Replaced all T-62's with T-90's and M60's with Merkava III'


        • #19
          Oh I also loveeeee the music. That keeps me interested


          • #20
            Originally posted by faded glory

            I have the 67 scenario! We should get together for a PBEM sometime.....I prefer the 73 Arab Israeli wars. But it works for me. Yes I love the game.
            Sounds good Faded Glory. I've never played via PBEM so a few pointers on how it works would be great

            The other thing is I've never played against a human before! I could end up being an easy mark. However, that wouldn't discourage me. I like to play period, and the thought of playing against a human sounds great.
            signature not visible until patch comes out.


            • #21
              dont worry. I never played a human opponent either. Leave our emil I will send you an email. What scenario, who do you want to be? Etc......



              • #22
                Turn 1 haupt ! Good luck! I only want to play the underdog here. Im getting good with the arabs,Soviets and vietnamese...

                Syrian commando's land behind israeli lines capturing the Zionist settlement at mount Herman. Totally surprising the Israeli army. Tanks moved forward crashing through initial defenses..and pushing forward with light losses We believe we are up against srong Israeli forces in the Golan. Al-Quetrya or whatever, held out despte losing 3/4 of it defending armor force. But high hopes it will fall next turn

                Eygptian bridge commando's storm across the Sinia capturing the opposite bank.While 5 infantry and 1 armor Divisions assault Israeli positions on the Bar-Lev. Pushing back most forces, and oblitering two Israeli Brigades.

                Air force didnt have as much luck. But still, we can call on our SAM's to keep you away!

                Good luck Haupt! The turn is with you. Any problems just email me. Handicapp is off.


                • #23
                  Sounds good Faded Glory!

                  Can't wait to get home from work to start my turn! Looks like I'll have my hands full.
                  signature not visible until patch comes out.


                  • #24
                    Back to you Faded Glory!

                    The Bar-Lev line seems to be cracking in some areas. Egyptian commandos evaporated.

                    On the Golan massive Syrian attack has caught the State of Israel by surprise! Many reservists and regular soldiers first heard of the attack while attending synagogue.

                    No major air combat so far as the IDF tries to asses the situation.
                    signature not visible until patch comes out.


                    • #25
                      Can you guys post the occasional screenshot for the benefit of us spectators?
                      'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                      - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Haupt. Dietrich
                        Back to you Faded Glory!

                        The Bar-Lev line seems to be cracking in some areas. Egyptian commandos evaporated.

                        On the Golan massive Syrian attack has caught the State of Israel by surprise! Many reservists and regular soldiers first heard of the attack while attending synagogue.

                        No major air combat so far as the IDF tries to asses the situation.

                        hey bro you need the patch!

                        DL the patch, replay the turn and send it back.

                        Patch is at

                        Case: Sure


                        • #27
                          more specifically go here

                          pick your version. Oh it says that the patch makes all versions compatible with one another.

                          So no problems.


                          • #28
                            Hi Faded Glory,

                            I checked out the link you supplied but am a little confused.

                            Which patch should I try? I have TOAW A Century of War. This version contains all the scenarios for TOAW 1, 2, Kosovo, Elite, plus a few extras like WWI scenarios. I have installed the latest patch for Century of War version 1.04. That patch is about 2.4mb. Anyway I'll try playing your file again and resend it to you tonight.

                            Which patch did you dl? I'm assuming it was the TOAW II Elite patch? It would make sense that Talonsoft would make all versions of TOAW compatible with each other. Anyone else out there familiar with compatibility issues for the different TOAW's? Leonidas maybe?

                            If this doesn't work maybe you could resend your turn one again.
                            Keep your fingers crossed!
                            signature not visible until patch comes out.


                            • #29
                              FG : Check your PMs. I didnt receive your reply because my inbox was full.
                              "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                              • #30
                                Haven't heard anything in a while. I'll assume that there is a compatibility problem that cannot be fixed. Oh well..............

                                Maybe another time.
                                signature not visible until patch comes out.

