So, having played Homm4 for a couple of hours, I feel I need to vent a bit. Bear with me.
The Good:
- The magic system is really a step up. This is a consistent trend
in the series - every installment has had better magic the the
previous one. This one forces some really interesting choises
on the player. No more Earth magic is a must for your main
- The hero leveling system is very nice too. Interesting choises,
no forcing the player to choose between two trash traits.
Powerful combinations.
- Free armies. Finally! I so enjoyed ferrying artifacts between
my heroes with a single quick sprite "courier".
- Might stands a chance - the integration of potions and a magic
resistance worthy of the name has made playing the might
faction a viable option.
The Bad:
- The overland map is cluttered, difficult to navigate and it seems
way to crowded, somehow. I still don't recognise most of the
buildings and dwellings, and I had no such problems with
Homm3. The Castles are butt-ugly.
- The combat scene. There is no option to turn on hexes and
distance shadowing. The backgrounds look barren and
uniteresting compared to Homm3. I still haven't figured out
the activation sequence when different stacks have the same
speed - it seem quite random, but I'm sure there's some
reason to it.
- Does the copy protection really need to trash my CD for
a minute before the game starts, NWO?
The Downright Ugly:
- No multiplayer (except hotseat, which I didn't test yet). A free
patch is said to be forthcoming.
- No random maps.
- _One_ XL map included? Surely you jest, NWO?
- Homm always had brutally good music, right? Well, no more.
The overland music is clipping and looping - I had to turn it off
after ten minutes. It's not my rig either, there's plenty of people
complaining about it on the Homm boards.
- I get a persistent, repeatable crash bug if I close the
confirmation pop-up after a battle too soon - before it starts
playing the victory (or defeat) animation. Since we're talking
almost five seconds here, this rapidly becomes old. I have an
Athlon 2000+ with 512 MB DDR ram and a GForce 2 card, btw,
so it probably isn't like my box is underpowered for this game.
All in all, it seems promising. While there's "rush" written all over
this game to an extent we're not accustomed to from NWO, it's
mostly on the fringes - the game itself seems solid, and a few
patches should set the interface quirks and the bug right.
The Good:
- The magic system is really a step up. This is a consistent trend
in the series - every installment has had better magic the the
previous one. This one forces some really interesting choises
on the player. No more Earth magic is a must for your main
- The hero leveling system is very nice too. Interesting choises,
no forcing the player to choose between two trash traits.
Powerful combinations.
- Free armies. Finally! I so enjoyed ferrying artifacts between
my heroes with a single quick sprite "courier".
- Might stands a chance - the integration of potions and a magic
resistance worthy of the name has made playing the might
faction a viable option.
The Bad:
- The overland map is cluttered, difficult to navigate and it seems
way to crowded, somehow. I still don't recognise most of the
buildings and dwellings, and I had no such problems with
Homm3. The Castles are butt-ugly.
- The combat scene. There is no option to turn on hexes and
distance shadowing. The backgrounds look barren and
uniteresting compared to Homm3. I still haven't figured out
the activation sequence when different stacks have the same
speed - it seem quite random, but I'm sure there's some
reason to it.
- Does the copy protection really need to trash my CD for
a minute before the game starts, NWO?
The Downright Ugly:
- No multiplayer (except hotseat, which I didn't test yet). A free
patch is said to be forthcoming.
- No random maps.
- _One_ XL map included? Surely you jest, NWO?
- Homm always had brutally good music, right? Well, no more.
The overland music is clipping and looping - I had to turn it off
after ten minutes. It's not my rig either, there's plenty of people
complaining about it on the Homm boards.
- I get a persistent, repeatable crash bug if I close the
confirmation pop-up after a battle too soon - before it starts
playing the victory (or defeat) animation. Since we're talking
almost five seconds here, this rapidly becomes old. I have an
Athlon 2000+ with 512 MB DDR ram and a GForce 2 card, btw,
so it probably isn't like my box is underpowered for this game.
All in all, it seems promising. While there's "rush" written all over
this game to an extent we're not accustomed to from NWO, it's
mostly on the fringes - the game itself seems solid, and a few
patches should set the interface quirks and the bug right.