I have been a (video/computer) gamer my entire life, starting with the first Pong boxes from Sears in 1975 (the yellow and black boxes, if any of you remember them). I've played more than my share of handheld games (remember the old Mattel football games, the ones with the blinking diodes?), arcade games (Williams Electronics rules!), Atari 2600, Atari 800, Colecovision, Intellivision, and finally PC games. I used to sit up for hours playing Civ until 3 in the AM, finally putting it away to crack on some X-com aliens or to invade the Bulrathi.
But now... now it's a different story, but a very familiar one to many of us. You get married. The wife wants a house and kids so that means you gotta get serious about the career (not "job" but "career"). You get the house and all those repairs that used to take the time of a phone call to the apartment manager now take hours because, surprise!, you've gotta buy the supplies and fix it yourself. Then baby comes and s/he takes the demands on your time to a whole new level.
I mean, just how the freak do y'all do it? No matter what I do, not only do I not have near the amount of time to be very good at games, but many times I can't even find the time to finish the first game! For example, I bought Baldur's Gate 1 about a month ago and have played it, maybe, 10 hours. Now the reviews I've read say that this game takes about 100 hours to complete (and I'm a big sidequest kinda guy) and that its sequels will take 2-3 times as long to complete!
Who's got time for that? The long and short of it is this: despite how much I like the game, the odds are excellent that it will never get completed (even if it weren't for Civ3).
So how do y'all manage? Ignore the family? Give minimal effort to the job? Let the house fall down about yourselves? It would be a big help if I could stay off the 'net, but hell, it's more fun than the games at times!
But now... now it's a different story, but a very familiar one to many of us. You get married. The wife wants a house and kids so that means you gotta get serious about the career (not "job" but "career"). You get the house and all those repairs that used to take the time of a phone call to the apartment manager now take hours because, surprise!, you've gotta buy the supplies and fix it yourself. Then baby comes and s/he takes the demands on your time to a whole new level.
I mean, just how the freak do y'all do it? No matter what I do, not only do I not have near the amount of time to be very good at games, but many times I can't even find the time to finish the first game! For example, I bought Baldur's Gate 1 about a month ago and have played it, maybe, 10 hours. Now the reviews I've read say that this game takes about 100 hours to complete (and I'm a big sidequest kinda guy) and that its sequels will take 2-3 times as long to complete!

So how do y'all manage? Ignore the family? Give minimal effort to the job? Let the house fall down about yourselves? It would be a big help if I could stay off the 'net, but hell, it's more fun than the games at times!