Whoa, Dan interested in other games? Isn't that sacriligeous or something?
I still enjoy Ragnarok, but I keep losing the game after getting a new comp or having to reformat. It's a cool RPG/Adventure game that's old and free. It's based on the Norse legend of the end of the world (Ragnarok). You get to do just about anything you want in the game though, including becoming dyxslexic, which isn't a very fun thing...
I still enjoy Ragnarok, but I keep losing the game after getting a new comp or having to reformat. It's a cool RPG/Adventure game that's old and free. It's based on the Norse legend of the end of the world (Ragnarok). You get to do just about anything you want in the game though, including becoming dyxslexic, which isn't a very fun thing...