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Baldur's Gate I Downloads

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  • #16
    I haven't completed any quests yet- are they worth completing- I think I'll go back and do them later.

    Jaheira- Lvl 2
    Alkinas- Lvl 2
    All others- Lvl 1

    Should I go to the mines now or try these quests:

    -Winter Wolf Pelt
    Toquin in the Woods
    Prism stole emeralds
    -Captain of the Guard (Mad)

    Or the Beregost quests... I tried to do the Spider one, but I couldn't find the Inn!
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    • #17
      Do all of them. It makes the game funner and takes longer to beat, giving you your money's worth, though I bet you burned it

      Now for you right now do the Beregost quests first before heading to the mines.


      • #18
        This site has some files for customizing BG1/TotSC, BG2/ToB and IWD/HoW/TotL.

        This one has other interesting stuff.

        This forum is a good place if you ever get stuck


        If you go to the map west Beregost and then follow the path in a wsw direction, you'll come across a guy standing doing nothing. He is a ranger called Kivan and is one of the better npcs available. He's great in melee and as an archer.

        Return to Beregost and go south to Nashkel and near the south side of town, there is a guy with white hair called Minsc, he is a ranger too and is another good npc. Trouble with Minsc is you have to go off to the Gnoll Stronghold (2 maps west and 1 south of Nashkel) to rescue his 'witch' who happens to be a mage npc called Dynaheir. Minsc is a bit of a psycho and his dexterity is kind of low, but on your way to rescuing his witch, you should find an item that fixes that.

        Also on the Nashkel map is Edwin. He is an evil npc mage who wants to go kill the above mentioned witch.

        Certain npcs in the game are considered a 'pair'. Meaning, you have to have both or neither. However, if one dies (eg, the one you don't want), you can still keep the other. There is a more humane method of splitting pairs. Just move the one you don't want into a building you'll never enter again, and then remove that npc from your party. Montaron/Xzar, Khalid/Jaheira and Minsc/Dynaheir are pairs.

        IF you're going to restart, there's a kind of cheesy in-game cheat available in Candlekeep. When you do the party combat practice, take what ever nice items you want off the illusionary npcs and then export your character before leaving the building. Then restart and you will have those items available. Just remember to drop them on the ground before entering the that building.

        One happens to be a wand of magic missles which is extremely usefull against that fiend at the Friendly Arm Inn. With it, you can distrupt his spell casting (especially the initial casting of Mirror Image) while Imoen uses her bow to kill him.

        You'll encounter other bounty hunters, but that one you are the least prepared to deal with.
        There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger


        • #19
          Dark Cloud, with your member's experience and levels so low, you won't be able to complete some tasks just yet. Perhaps you stay too close to the roads between the towns. Venture out and explore. That's the most important part of the game. Make sure that every part of your map is explored. And the monsters between Nashkel and Friendly Arms Inn aren't all that hard to beat. With fighters, mages and archers in your party + regular saving of the game it shouldn't be to difficult.


          • #20
            Thank you Qiule!

            I suppose I will investigate the countryside- but 1.) I have no mages, 2) I cannot camp outside and get any sleep 3.) The countryside seems too dangerous- But I shall try!

            I just want to get through the game as fast as possible... Then go back and do all the side quests- Is that a smart Idea?

            And I bought the game, History049.

            Today I bought the expansion pack!
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            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


            • #21
              The side quests will be super easy if you get thru the game first. And getting thru the game first will be harder without the experience/levels you get from sidequests.

              Minsc is a legendary character, his humor, his power, and his dedication make him reappear in Baldur's Gate II as well.


              • #22
                You can camp outside but yes, there is a very big chance that you'll get attacked by monsters - but not always!

                You said you bought the expansion pack so you probably meant that you bought Tales of the Sword coast.
                I suggest you don't install ToSC just yet (you'll start the game in Ulgoth's beard, I think, which is near Baldur's gate itself and get all these new weapons. In my opinion this ruines the game and makes the whole exploring thing easier). Explore all areas on the original map first, then install ToSC. You get 2 or 3 new areas together with Durlag's tower (completing the tower is probably the toughest quest in the whole game).


                • #23

                  You only start in Ulgoth's beard with über-equipment/levels if you choose to load the "expansion pack save game" (or something like that), not by starting a new game


                  The best thing to do now is to gain a few levels, and then do Nashkel Mines or the Gnoll Stronghold, the monsters there are generally easy, although there are many them. Nashkel Mines advances the storyline, Gnoll Stronghold is a sidequest.

                  About the spider quest in Beregost: you need to go to a house in the southeast of Beregost (it looks more like a wooden shack that's falling apart), you'll prolly need alot of antidote though


                  • #24
                    I was referring to DarkCloud's game and not to a "new game" but thanks anyway. I played ToSC for only 2 months or so and never really mastered it as BG1.


                    • #25
                      "Certain npcs in the game are considered a 'pair'. Meaning, you have to have both or neither. However, if one dies (eg, the one you don't want), you can still keep the other. There is a more humane method of splitting pairs. Just move the one you don't want into a building you'll never enter again, and then remove that npc from your party. Montaron/Xzar, Khalid/Jaheira and Minsc/Dynaheir are pairs. "

                      That is worth knowing. I can't stand how useless Jaheira is and I want that Ranger that is west of Beregon.

                      Thanks for the tips/links, guys!


                      • #26
                        Jaheira is useless? I have been ressurrecting her and trying to save her! I wasted 2 healing potions on her.

                        Also, should I kill off Imoen? She always dies, or at least seems to.

                        -I finally killed the giant spiders.

                        -Okay, thanks, I'll install the expansion later.
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                        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                        • #27
                          Jaherias ok, mostly just a plot character. meaning one that's good for the story.

                          Imoen is the best thief you'll get in BG1, but shes weak.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Bob Dornan
                            Jaherias ok, mostly just a plot character. meaning one that's good for the story.

                            Imoen is the best thief you'll get in BG1, but shes weak.
                            -slight NPC-related spoiler-
                            Actually, Coran is better in terms of dexterity and he's got THREE stars in bows, making him possibly the best archer in the game. Besides, he's a Fighter/Thief, so he can drink a "strength of 25" potion before backstabbing enemies. Nasty...
                            Wiio's First Law: Communication usually fails, except by accident.


                            • #29
                              The only 2 characters that I had throughout the game were Imoen and Minsc. Others were: a good dwarfs, wizard and priest/paladin.


                              • #30
                                Okay, I went to the Nashkel mines...

                                Jaheira was killed by a wizard when I saved the witch in the circus tent... now I have
                                -1 cleric LVL 2
                                -1 thief LVL 2
                                -1 paladin LVL 2
                                -1 ranger LVL 1 (Cloud: Main Character)
                                -1 fighter (khalid) LVL 2

                                Just wondering- how many levels down do the mines go? I am on level 2.

                                ---Another note: I have been selling all of my death warrants, was that a good Idea? I have been making much gold off the sale of them
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                                -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

