My score is nothing near a record of course, cause it was nothing near the best a real good player could possibly do.
Here it comes: Game finished in 860 AD, with population 9,420,000, 129%, score 1614, in King mode.
I continued playing and right now I'm in 1868 with 130,470,000 people and 156%.
Two years before, in 1866, it had been 164%, but I crushed some bloody Barbarians who where walking on the extended North Pole.
The North Pole was extended by pollution and three Barbarians were hopping around on it. Every time when I zoomed north to a certain line (about the Pole Circle), the screen started to snow and show confused images. I whiped out the f*cking Barbs with some nukes and the pollution caused a lower score.
So, it might be known to you fanatic Civers what was about the high-score on Civ 1. Could you please tell it to me?
Oh, I can't wait till Civ 3 is on the shelves!