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Just another chess game

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  • #61
    1 e4 ... e6
    2 Nf3 ... d5
    3 Nc3 ... Nf6
    4 d4 ... dxe4
    5 Ne5 ... Bb4
    6 Bc4 ... c5
    7 O-O ... cxd4
    8 Bb5+ ... Ke7
    9 Bd2 ... dxc3
    10 bxc3 ... Bd6
    11 Bf4 ... a6
    12 Bc4 ... Qc7
    13 Qc1 ... Nbd7
    14 g3 ... Nxe5
    15 Bxe5 ... Bxe5
    16 f4 ... Qc5+
    17 Kg2 ... Bxc3
    18 Rb1 ... Rd8
    19 Rf2 ... Ng4
    20 Re2 ... Qxc4
    21 Qf1 ... Rd2
    22 Rxd2 ... Ne3+
    23 Kf2 ... Nxf1
    24 Rxf1 ... Bxd2
    Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


    • #62
      Yes, I did enjoy France !
      It was great !
      Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


      • #63
        1. e4 ... e6
        2. Nf3 ... d5
        3. Nc3 ... Nf6
        4. d4 ... dxe4
        5. Ne5 ... Bb4
        6. Bc4 ... c5
        7. O-O ... cxd4
        8. Bb5+ ... Ke7
        9. Bd2 ... dxc3
        10. bxc3 ... Bd6
        11. Bf4 ... a6
        12. Bc4 ... Qc7
        13. Qc1 ... Nbd7
        14. g3 ... Nxe5
        15. Bxe5 ... Bxe5
        16. f4 ... Qc5+
        17. Kg2 ... Bxc3
        18. Rb1 ... Rd8
        19. Rf2 ... Ng4
        20. Re2 ... Qxc4
        21. Qf1 ... Rd2
        22. Rxd2 ... Ne3+
        23. Kf2 ... Nxf1
        24. Rxf1 ... Bxd2
        25. Kg2


        • #64
          1 e4 ... e6
          2 Nf3 ... d5
          3 Nc3 ... Nf6
          4 d4 ... dxe4
          5 Ne5 ... Bb4
          6 Bc4 ... c5
          7 O-O ... cxd4
          8 Bb5+ ... Ke7
          9 Bd2 ... dxc3
          10 bxc3 ... Bd6
          11 Bf4 ... a6
          12 Bc4 ... Qc7
          13 Qc1 ... Nbd7
          14 g3 ... Nxe5
          15 Bxe5 ... Bxe5
          16 f4 ... Qc5+
          17 Kg2 ... Bxc3
          18 Rb1 ... Rd8
          19 Rf2 ... Ng4
          20 Re2 ... Qxc4
          21 Qf1 ... Rd2
          22 Rxd2 ... Ne3+
          23 Kf2 ... Nxf1
          24 Rxf1 ... Bxd2
          25 Kg2 ... e3
          Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


          • #65
            I'm outnumbered, cornered, my rook will soon be captured, and have no way to fight back.

            I resign. (shake opponent's hand smiley goes here)

            This game was a great learning experience for me.


            • #66
              Shake hands.
              You played a good game, because you always put your pieces in good squares where they had something to do
              But unfortunetaley, you were not careful enough in checking if they could be captured
              That was your downfall
              Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


              • #67
                That was bizzarre!..I would give this game some kind of award if I was a tournament director.

                The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                • #68
                  Hmmm, I guess we have to guess who that person is
                  Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


                  • #69
                    Perhaps I should check the board a little more carefully before moving next time. I do tend do play a little too fast.


                    • #70
                      The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                      • #71
                        Well, yes you should be more careful. Look at every piece (you have time) and see wheter or not it is attacked or if some basic tactical trick might happen to it : pin, discovery check or double attack. Another good idea is to study well the last move of the opponent. If I move my queen to c7, what does she threaten ?
                        I hope it helps
                        Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


                        • #72
                          Thanks for the advice. By the way, who does Julius play next?


                          • #73
                            Smash : the wizard of Riga ! I didn't know he acted as a tournament director, though
                            Jonny : good question, it's probably Ken, can anyone confirm
                            Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


                            • #74
                              LOL..oh ya he was man of many talents

                              Some Tal-ism
                              * Youngest World Champion until Kasparov.
                              * Played in 8 Olympiads, 5 Best board Results, 3 times absolute best score.
                              * 6 times USSR Champion.
                              * Lost only once to Kasparov & once to Karpov.
                              * A countback of ELO ratings revealed that Tal's rating during his peak around 1960 would be 7th in the all time rankings with 2700 behind Fischer, Kasparov, Capablanca, Botvinnik, Lasker, & Karpov. In fact in 1979 following his wins in Montreal & Riga he went up to 2710.
                              * 3rd in 1985 Interzonal thus qualifying for Candidates at 49
                              * Only 3 men played in both USSR-Rest of the World matches - Tal, Larsen, & Polugaevsky.

                              Quotes about Tal

                              * If Tal had really studied Chess in the late fifties and early sixties he would have been impossible to play against - Botvinnik
                              * How does Tal win? - He develops all his pieces in the centre and then sacrifices them somewhere - Bronstein
                              * If Tal has an open file it will be mate - an onlooker at a Tal post mortem analysis session.

                              Tal quotes

                              * "If you wait for luck to turn up, life becomes very boring."
                              * "There are two types of sacrifices - sound ones and mine."

                              >I don't know.Ken or Carolus....we're afraid of you,you big bully
                              The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                              • #75
                                I just had my chance to get back to this game. I start a new thread with my first move shortly.


