I just got it two days ago and it's great. I love flying the mig 15's probably the best in the game and the cannons are big
I went into it and went straight to Preferences and put eerything down just above minimum ( P166, 96mb RAM, 8mb Gfx) And went to play and it was jerking around so I put everything down as low as it could go. It didn't jerk but it was all blocky so I thought what the hell I want to see the Graphics this game has even if it means 1fps so I put everything as high as it could go and wahay it works fine. Jerks a bit when theres a load of planes in front of you but otherwise grand.
Weird, I dont know??

I went into it and went straight to Preferences and put eerything down just above minimum ( P166, 96mb RAM, 8mb Gfx) And went to play and it was jerking around so I put everything down as low as it could go. It didn't jerk but it was all blocky so I thought what the hell I want to see the Graphics this game has even if it means 1fps so I put everything as high as it could go and wahay it works fine. Jerks a bit when theres a load of planes in front of you but otherwise grand.

Weird, I dont know??
