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Tribes 2

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  • Tribes 2

    So as anyone got this? Possibly the greatest multiplayer team based game in the world?

    If so, I am in clan Crimson Fist, top of the OGL and the best clan in the world according to ratings.

    Tell me what you think of it. I'll also scrim with anyone if they want.

  • #2
    I've heard that it was buggy as hell. True?


    • #3
      Tribes 2, according to many reports, is a buggy game from hell with completely ludicrous hardware reqs (at least a 800MHz w/geforce and loads of RAM). It's as if the programmers skipped their algorithm analysis courses or something...

      I'm an avid fan of online shooters, but I just can't justify getting a new machine for the sake of a game that has nothing really special to offer for what it takes to run it.
      There's also Flashpoint coming up, and personally I like my shooters grounded in reality (not to mention having reasonable FPS ). A cold war skirmish is much more appealing as a setting than munchkins flying around in power armour and shooting rayguns. Unless of course it's Heavy Gear 2, the best shooter ever made. Too bad it flopped, it had more potential than Tribes 2 will ever have. The graphics were also just as good and ran like a champ even on my crappy Cel 400 w/TNT1.
      "On this ship you'll refer to me as idiot, not you captain!"
      - Lone Star

