Originally posted by Aragon
Hey, I just recently started playing D2 again (with the expansion coming out and nothing better to do
) anyone have any tips/skill plan for a wannabe bowazon??
Hey, I just recently started playing D2 again (with the expansion coming out and nothing better to do

I have a lvl 57 "bowazon", she rocks. I use in my left hand skill tab, ice arrow, it doesn't use as much mana has freezing arrow, and has more damage then cold arrow.
In my right skill I always use strafe, it rocks.
My valkyrie is maxed to lvl 22, I would suggest this to anyone else to plays the amazon, the valkyrie, when at a high lvl (like mine) makes a perfect deception when you are fighting those tough unique monsters, and she makes a good companion.

Also, lvl up your dexterity and strength, both to about 180-200, that is what mine is at, then after that, lvl up your life, believe me, it comes in handy at high lvls...at least, for legits. You stupid hackers out there, dont bother.