This is kind of a general question to how you like to play games where you are represented by a race or faction with inherent abilities and weaknesses. In Alpha Centauri, for example, you can play a specific faction and then make governmental, social, and economic choices that can either detract from or add to your strengths and weaknesses.
In Imperium Galactica II, you can play a specific race with its own areas of excellence and drawbacks. An example would be playing the Shinari race, which is weak militarily, but strong in commerce and espionage.
The question really comes down to: Do you play in such a way that you rely on your strengths and focus development in that area to overwhelm your opponent, or do you prefer to try to focus on your areas of weakness to prevent them from becoming an exploitable liability?
In Imperium Galactica II, you can play a specific race with its own areas of excellence and drawbacks. An example would be playing the Shinari race, which is weak militarily, but strong in commerce and espionage.
The question really comes down to: Do you play in such a way that you rely on your strengths and focus development in that area to overwhelm your opponent, or do you prefer to try to focus on your areas of weakness to prevent them from becoming an exploitable liability?