Today it was officially announced by the Sierra representative Adam Kahn that the Arcanum game will be delayed
until September. We (the Arcanum community)
are very displeased at the way Sierra has handled this and would like to see the game released to the US and
the English speaking parts of the world a soon as the
game is finished, and not when the French and German translations are done. Gaming companies are very fond
of stating that the hard-core RPGers (and other such
groups) occupy such a small share of the market that they can afford to alienate these fans... witness the
proliferation of multiplayer and real-time combat in RPGs,
for instance. A business becomes successful, however, by insuring that it keeps its loyal base while working to
expand that base. Gaming companies often assume
the opposite, assuming that RPGers will buy any RPG due to their relative scarcity. Until we attempt to show
companies that they cannot simply take us for granted,
they will continue to simply assume that they can do what they will without repercussion. Consumers only have
power when we say 'No' once in awhile. I will also
like to state that Until the satisfactory resolution of this issue we respectfully reserve our right to avoid buying
any all all products from Sierra and its parent company
Havas "We the undersigned respectfully request that Sierra and its parent company Havas
rethink this decision and release this incredible game in
a more timely manner to the largely English speaking world" All copyrights are property of their respective
owners and all copyright rights are respected.
if you like this petition then please consider going to
and sign it.Thanks
People that have already sign it
Below is the list of the people who signed your petition.
Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: Glenn Farley (
City, State, Zip: Phoenix, Az 85013 Comments: Sierra has announced that the US release of Arcanum will be delayed until "early Spetember." Now, I could understand (In fact, recent trends have lead me to expect) delays due to exaggerated release estimates, impossible deadlines, and unforseen software bugs. But was Arcanum plagued by any of these? No! In fact, the game will be finished ON TIME, in early May. The reason Sierra, in its infinite wisdom, chose to deprive the game's anxious fans of their product? So that the game could be released simultaneously in the US and abroad. Excuse me, but this is the most moronic excuse for delays I've ever heard. As frustrating as they are, knowing a game is being delayed in the name of perfection (ala every Blizzard title) is tolerable. But knowing YOU have to wait just because someone else has to wait? Sierra is saying that it is better American consumers (Who will likely make up well over 50% of the game's sales) wait, even though it is avoidable, just so the foreign consumers (Who make up the minority purchasers), whose wait is unavoidable, wont be alone. Who profits from this arrangement? The foregin market is waiting JUST AS LONG as it expected too all along. The release for them has not been advanced. And the American has to senselessly wait nearly 5 months longer, for no reason! The finished product will just sit in the Sierra wharehouses! This is simply the classic "misery loves company," and there is no logical justification for the delay. If Sierra expected the games anxious fans to be less frustrated knowing the the game would be finished on time, but they would delay the release anyway for no reason whatsoever, they were dead wrong. There will be no sales benefit at all. Instead, they will lose a large number of buyers who expected it in May and will not wait until winter. Does Sierra actually PAY people to make these kinds of decisions?
Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: Kevin Chan (
City, State, Zip: Port Coquitlam, BC Canada Comments: Zip code? Zip code? What? Zip code? Eh? Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: Rad Bobrowicz (
City, State, Zip: Chicago, IL 60630 Comments: I think it was unwise for Sierra to delay Arcanum. Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: Paul Ratliff (
City, State, Zip: Folsom, CA 95630 Comments: we'll miss you, monkey!!! Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: George Karakasis (
City, State, Zip: thessalonika, greece 45678u Comments: Please dont delay Arcanum any more Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: Jason Michael MacLeod (
City, State, Zip: Iowa City, IA 52246 Comments: This decision is an INSULT to all of Sierra's loyal fans. UNITY IS POWER!!! Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: Jesse I. Beall (
City, State, Zip: Miami, FL 33172 Comments: No, no, no! You can't do this! Don't sit on the game! If it's done, release it! The only thing that you'll gain is another fistful of dust on your grave. This just proves once and for all that the Sierra of old is dead. Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: Vikram Thanki (
City, State, Zip: New Hope, PA 18938 Comments: Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: Tyler Zoanni (
City, State, Zip: Sidney, MT 59270 Comments: Sierra has just ruined my summer. I was entirely looking forward to this game after about a year of waiting and delays. And now this. Argh!! Bad Sierra, bad. Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: Gabriel Morgan (
City, State, Zip: Bowling Green, OH 43402 Comments: I have cancelled my preorder until this issue is resolved. Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: A. Tsang (
City, State, Zip: Toronto, ONT Canada Comments: What about all the school-going players? Releasing in Sept will obviously turn many of them away! This is an unwise decision and a slap in the face of the fan base! Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: John Morrow (
City, State, Zip: Montreal, Qc Canada Comments: Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Borislav Grozdanov Iovtchev (
City, State, Zip: Phoenix, AZ 85020 Comments: Sierra, please reconsider. Your decision is truly moronic. Release the game in the US and when it's translated release it in other counrtries... Japan didn't wait to release their PS2... Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Nicolas Morin (
City, State, Zip: Val-Bélair, Qc G3K 1V1 Comments: Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Michael Cofield (
City, State, Zip: Portland, OR 97229 Comments: Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Donald Black (nollidj) (
City, State, Zip: (city omitted), CT USA Comments: Why, Sierra? Why? WHY? while(1 != 0){ fork(); puts("WHY?\n"); } Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Jonathan Sharpe (
City, State, Zip: Phoenix, AZ 85020 Comments: I may hate Chrisbeddoes, but he has a point! its stupid to halt the game relese till its germanized, and frenchanized! Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Vladimir Nestoyanov (
City, State, Zip: Philadelphia, PA 19115 Comments: My comments are simple: if Arcanum comes out in May, I'm buying it. Othervise I'm not. Sorry, Troika. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Jack (
City, State, Zip: Toronto, ON M2N6Z6 Comments: PLEASE DON'T DELAY ARCANUM!! Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Craig "Shards" Fleetham (
City, State, Zip: Haiku, HI 96708 Comments: Please release the game in North American when it is complete, and not wait for the translations to be finished. We all have waited for Arcanum long enough, and this is just a slap in the face. I can understand delaying a game so that the bugs can be worked out, but this is just wrong. Also, what was sierra doing while Arcanum was in its final stages? NOT doing the translations, thats for sure. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Thomas Jeffern (
City, State, Zip: Toronto, ON Canada Comments: Troika deserves to see this game released in May so they can move on with other projects. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Ken S. (
City, State, Zip: Toronto, ON M5V2M6 Comments: Please release the US version now... before Arcanum gets lost in the wave of new releases this fall! Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: William Sirvas (
City, State, Zip: cottage grove, mn 55016 Comments: this is a huge kick in the nads to the arcanum community worldwide. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Garyn Dunbar (
City, State, Zip: College Station, TX 77840 Comments: I don't really consider myself a "hardcore" gamer, more of someone who enjoys the escapism afforded by quality RPG like Arcanum. With the summer coming up I would have more time for this particular recreation than any other time of the year. The new date will much less convienent for me, and I suspect many of my peers, what with school starting and all. In closing please reconsider delaying the release of Arcanum, or at the least provide your reasoning for why such a decsion was made. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Rodalpho Carmichael (
City, State, Zip: Alexandria, VA 22303 Comments: Sierra doesn't care for its fans. Thanks for making it clear. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Nicholas Stipanovich (
City, State, Zip: Federal Way, WA 98023 Comments: Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Sethmage (
City, State, Zip: O., XXX Canada Comments: For the love of God, stop tormenting us. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: David Pearson (
City, State, Zip: Tacoma, WA 98403 Comments: Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Bart Auringer (
City, State, Zip: Waterloo, IA 50701 Comments: I'm sitting the fence on this game as is, if you delay it and its forced to compete with the games coming out in Sept, I'll see you in the bargain bin in 4-5 years. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Adrian Vogler (
City, State, Zip: Altdorf, DE 90518 Comments: Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Daniel Chappell (
City, State, Zip: Birmingham, AL 35213 Comments: Having followed the progress of Arcanum for a long time, I must say that this latest delay is infuriating. I remember back when it was due out in February and I was planning on getting it as a birthday present. However, now that it will be released in September, not only will I be forced to find something else to occupy my free time this summer, but I may not even be able to buy Arcanum due to college costs (tuition and books and whatnot). Please, please, PLEASE, change your decision and release Arcanum as previously planned! Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Jens Genberg (
City, State, Zip: Finland, Malax 66100 Comments: please don´t delay it Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Adrian Koh (
City, State, Zip: Singapore, Sa 381111 Comments: i've been waiting a loooong time. would want this game to come out early not only to fill the missing hole in my life, but for the sake of troika's survival. please release soon. like in May Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Robert Hicks (
City, State, Zip: Flagstaff, az 86001 Comments: The fact that sierra programs require the worthless suite of helper programs is bad enough but now this? Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Todd Agthe (
City, State, Zip: Colorado Springs, CO 80910 Comments: I would personally like to thank you for delaying such a fine Game as Arcanum, yet again. I can only marvel and wonder at the genius(es) that run your company. This type of thing only reinforces, yet again, my utterly profound belief in the gross stupidity of humanity and especially the corporate world. I would urge Sierra to rethink this terrible decision, but of course what I think probably doesn't matter at all to such talented individuals. Perhaps Sierra would be interested in what the majority of Arcanum fans are saying about this grossly inept display of game publishing. Perhaps pigs will sprout wings and fly. I wish I could seriously say I no longer have any desire to purchase this game, but I can't if not for the fine team who really developed this game. I will say, and truly so, that I will take every opportunity to verbally bash Sierra when ever and where ever I might be. I will also never bother supporting the company any further either. Have a nice day. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Master_tech (
City, State, Zip: Ærøskøbing, Fyn 5970 Comments: I dont know Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Dave Bonnewell (
City, State, Zip: Mesa, AZ 85206 Comments: Delaying what I am sure will be a ground breaking RPG is a mistake! The number of close-nit Arcanum fans that will be lost will be GREAT!. Also, releasing Arcanum in September will put it in direct competition with several other hugely anticipated RPGs I urge you to reconsider; if not for your fans, then at least for Arcanum's sales success. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: David Meehan (
City, State, Zip: Burnaby, BC V5J 3P3 Comments: To have followed a game through so many delays and setbacks, and still have a flourishing comunity is amazing, but what your trying to do now is wrong. First off, you are not trying to please the fan base, which have stood by this game through thick and thing, you are trying to make more money. From a business standpoint I can see why your doing this, but In my opinion you should revaluate your decision. By not releasing a finished game you are not only giving yourself a worse reputation, but your giving the game a bad reputation, and frankly, Sierra doesn't have a good one with the gaming community right now. So I ask you to look into the situation a bit further, and ask yourself if this is the best choice.
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until September. We (the Arcanum community)
are very displeased at the way Sierra has handled this and would like to see the game released to the US and
the English speaking parts of the world a soon as the
game is finished, and not when the French and German translations are done. Gaming companies are very fond
of stating that the hard-core RPGers (and other such
groups) occupy such a small share of the market that they can afford to alienate these fans... witness the
proliferation of multiplayer and real-time combat in RPGs,
for instance. A business becomes successful, however, by insuring that it keeps its loyal base while working to
expand that base. Gaming companies often assume
the opposite, assuming that RPGers will buy any RPG due to their relative scarcity. Until we attempt to show
companies that they cannot simply take us for granted,
they will continue to simply assume that they can do what they will without repercussion. Consumers only have
power when we say 'No' once in awhile. I will also
like to state that Until the satisfactory resolution of this issue we respectfully reserve our right to avoid buying
any all all products from Sierra and its parent company
Havas "We the undersigned respectfully request that Sierra and its parent company Havas
rethink this decision and release this incredible game in
a more timely manner to the largely English speaking world" All copyrights are property of their respective
owners and all copyright rights are respected.
if you like this petition then please consider going to
and sign it.Thanks

People that have already sign it
Below is the list of the people who signed your petition.
Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: Glenn Farley (
City, State, Zip: Phoenix, Az 85013 Comments: Sierra has announced that the US release of Arcanum will be delayed until "early Spetember." Now, I could understand (In fact, recent trends have lead me to expect) delays due to exaggerated release estimates, impossible deadlines, and unforseen software bugs. But was Arcanum plagued by any of these? No! In fact, the game will be finished ON TIME, in early May. The reason Sierra, in its infinite wisdom, chose to deprive the game's anxious fans of their product? So that the game could be released simultaneously in the US and abroad. Excuse me, but this is the most moronic excuse for delays I've ever heard. As frustrating as they are, knowing a game is being delayed in the name of perfection (ala every Blizzard title) is tolerable. But knowing YOU have to wait just because someone else has to wait? Sierra is saying that it is better American consumers (Who will likely make up well over 50% of the game's sales) wait, even though it is avoidable, just so the foreign consumers (Who make up the minority purchasers), whose wait is unavoidable, wont be alone. Who profits from this arrangement? The foregin market is waiting JUST AS LONG as it expected too all along. The release for them has not been advanced. And the American has to senselessly wait nearly 5 months longer, for no reason! The finished product will just sit in the Sierra wharehouses! This is simply the classic "misery loves company," and there is no logical justification for the delay. If Sierra expected the games anxious fans to be less frustrated knowing the the game would be finished on time, but they would delay the release anyway for no reason whatsoever, they were dead wrong. There will be no sales benefit at all. Instead, they will lose a large number of buyers who expected it in May and will not wait until winter. Does Sierra actually PAY people to make these kinds of decisions?
Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: Kevin Chan (
City, State, Zip: Port Coquitlam, BC Canada Comments: Zip code? Zip code? What? Zip code? Eh? Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: Rad Bobrowicz (
City, State, Zip: Chicago, IL 60630 Comments: I think it was unwise for Sierra to delay Arcanum. Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: Paul Ratliff (
City, State, Zip: Folsom, CA 95630 Comments: we'll miss you, monkey!!! Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: George Karakasis (
City, State, Zip: thessalonika, greece 45678u Comments: Please dont delay Arcanum any more Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: Jason Michael MacLeod (
City, State, Zip: Iowa City, IA 52246 Comments: This decision is an INSULT to all of Sierra's loyal fans. UNITY IS POWER!!! Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: Jesse I. Beall (
City, State, Zip: Miami, FL 33172 Comments: No, no, no! You can't do this! Don't sit on the game! If it's done, release it! The only thing that you'll gain is another fistful of dust on your grave. This just proves once and for all that the Sierra of old is dead. Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: Vikram Thanki (
City, State, Zip: New Hope, PA 18938 Comments: Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: Tyler Zoanni (
City, State, Zip: Sidney, MT 59270 Comments: Sierra has just ruined my summer. I was entirely looking forward to this game after about a year of waiting and delays. And now this. Argh!! Bad Sierra, bad. Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: Gabriel Morgan (
City, State, Zip: Bowling Green, OH 43402 Comments: I have cancelled my preorder until this issue is resolved. Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: A. Tsang (
City, State, Zip: Toronto, ONT Canada Comments: What about all the school-going players? Releasing in Sept will obviously turn many of them away! This is an unwise decision and a slap in the face of the fan base! Signed on: 4-20-2001 Name: John Morrow (
City, State, Zip: Montreal, Qc Canada Comments: Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Borislav Grozdanov Iovtchev (
City, State, Zip: Phoenix, AZ 85020 Comments: Sierra, please reconsider. Your decision is truly moronic. Release the game in the US and when it's translated release it in other counrtries... Japan didn't wait to release their PS2... Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Nicolas Morin (
City, State, Zip: Val-Bélair, Qc G3K 1V1 Comments: Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Michael Cofield (
City, State, Zip: Portland, OR 97229 Comments: Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Donald Black (nollidj) (
City, State, Zip: (city omitted), CT USA Comments: Why, Sierra? Why? WHY? while(1 != 0){ fork(); puts("WHY?\n"); } Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Jonathan Sharpe (
City, State, Zip: Phoenix, AZ 85020 Comments: I may hate Chrisbeddoes, but he has a point! its stupid to halt the game relese till its germanized, and frenchanized! Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Vladimir Nestoyanov (
City, State, Zip: Philadelphia, PA 19115 Comments: My comments are simple: if Arcanum comes out in May, I'm buying it. Othervise I'm not. Sorry, Troika. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Jack (
City, State, Zip: Toronto, ON M2N6Z6 Comments: PLEASE DON'T DELAY ARCANUM!! Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Craig "Shards" Fleetham (
City, State, Zip: Haiku, HI 96708 Comments: Please release the game in North American when it is complete, and not wait for the translations to be finished. We all have waited for Arcanum long enough, and this is just a slap in the face. I can understand delaying a game so that the bugs can be worked out, but this is just wrong. Also, what was sierra doing while Arcanum was in its final stages? NOT doing the translations, thats for sure. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Thomas Jeffern (
City, State, Zip: Toronto, ON Canada Comments: Troika deserves to see this game released in May so they can move on with other projects. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Ken S. (
City, State, Zip: Toronto, ON M5V2M6 Comments: Please release the US version now... before Arcanum gets lost in the wave of new releases this fall! Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: William Sirvas (
City, State, Zip: cottage grove, mn 55016 Comments: this is a huge kick in the nads to the arcanum community worldwide. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Garyn Dunbar (
City, State, Zip: College Station, TX 77840 Comments: I don't really consider myself a "hardcore" gamer, more of someone who enjoys the escapism afforded by quality RPG like Arcanum. With the summer coming up I would have more time for this particular recreation than any other time of the year. The new date will much less convienent for me, and I suspect many of my peers, what with school starting and all. In closing please reconsider delaying the release of Arcanum, or at the least provide your reasoning for why such a decsion was made. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Rodalpho Carmichael (
City, State, Zip: Alexandria, VA 22303 Comments: Sierra doesn't care for its fans. Thanks for making it clear. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Nicholas Stipanovich (
City, State, Zip: Federal Way, WA 98023 Comments: Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Sethmage (
City, State, Zip: O., XXX Canada Comments: For the love of God, stop tormenting us. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: David Pearson (
City, State, Zip: Tacoma, WA 98403 Comments: Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Bart Auringer (
City, State, Zip: Waterloo, IA 50701 Comments: I'm sitting the fence on this game as is, if you delay it and its forced to compete with the games coming out in Sept, I'll see you in the bargain bin in 4-5 years. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Adrian Vogler (
City, State, Zip: Altdorf, DE 90518 Comments: Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Daniel Chappell (
City, State, Zip: Birmingham, AL 35213 Comments: Having followed the progress of Arcanum for a long time, I must say that this latest delay is infuriating. I remember back when it was due out in February and I was planning on getting it as a birthday present. However, now that it will be released in September, not only will I be forced to find something else to occupy my free time this summer, but I may not even be able to buy Arcanum due to college costs (tuition and books and whatnot). Please, please, PLEASE, change your decision and release Arcanum as previously planned! Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Jens Genberg (
City, State, Zip: Finland, Malax 66100 Comments: please don´t delay it Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Adrian Koh (
City, State, Zip: Singapore, Sa 381111 Comments: i've been waiting a loooong time. would want this game to come out early not only to fill the missing hole in my life, but for the sake of troika's survival. please release soon. like in May Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Robert Hicks (
City, State, Zip: Flagstaff, az 86001 Comments: The fact that sierra programs require the worthless suite of helper programs is bad enough but now this? Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Todd Agthe (
City, State, Zip: Colorado Springs, CO 80910 Comments: I would personally like to thank you for delaying such a fine Game as Arcanum, yet again. I can only marvel and wonder at the genius(es) that run your company. This type of thing only reinforces, yet again, my utterly profound belief in the gross stupidity of humanity and especially the corporate world. I would urge Sierra to rethink this terrible decision, but of course what I think probably doesn't matter at all to such talented individuals. Perhaps Sierra would be interested in what the majority of Arcanum fans are saying about this grossly inept display of game publishing. Perhaps pigs will sprout wings and fly. I wish I could seriously say I no longer have any desire to purchase this game, but I can't if not for the fine team who really developed this game. I will say, and truly so, that I will take every opportunity to verbally bash Sierra when ever and where ever I might be. I will also never bother supporting the company any further either. Have a nice day. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Master_tech (
City, State, Zip: Ærøskøbing, Fyn 5970 Comments: I dont know Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: Dave Bonnewell (
City, State, Zip: Mesa, AZ 85206 Comments: Delaying what I am sure will be a ground breaking RPG is a mistake! The number of close-nit Arcanum fans that will be lost will be GREAT!. Also, releasing Arcanum in September will put it in direct competition with several other hugely anticipated RPGs I urge you to reconsider; if not for your fans, then at least for Arcanum's sales success. Signed on: 4-21-2001 Name: David Meehan (
City, State, Zip: Burnaby, BC V5J 3P3 Comments: To have followed a game through so many delays and setbacks, and still have a flourishing comunity is amazing, but what your trying to do now is wrong. First off, you are not trying to please the fan base, which have stood by this game through thick and thing, you are trying to make more money. From a business standpoint I can see why your doing this, but In my opinion you should revaluate your decision. By not releasing a finished game you are not only giving yourself a worse reputation, but your giving the game a bad reputation, and frankly, Sierra doesn't have a good one with the gaming community right now. So I ask you to look into the situation a bit further, and ask yourself if this is the best choice.
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