After 176 turns:
Rank 6843 with $43,782 NW and 322 Land
Gov't: Theocracy -- Money: $273k -- Food: 1k -- Oil: 0 -- Pop: 3.4k
Tax income per turn: $10k -- Food loss per turn: 4
Buildings: 32 ICs, 227 RLs, 12 farms, 48 CS, 3 unused
Military: 1.5k spies, 1k troops, 11k turrets, 200 tanks
Bus 745
Res 713
Agr 519
War 549
Wea 380
Ind 726
Spy 138
Remember selling tech is my main source of income. As a result it takes a while for me to get my income up, but this strategy is one of the best to use. So remember, always buy tech... no matter how expensive!
Rank 6843 with $43,782 NW and 322 Land
Gov't: Theocracy -- Money: $273k -- Food: 1k -- Oil: 0 -- Pop: 3.4k
Tax income per turn: $10k -- Food loss per turn: 4
Buildings: 32 ICs, 227 RLs, 12 farms, 48 CS, 3 unused
Military: 1.5k spies, 1k troops, 11k turrets, 200 tanks
Bus 745
Res 713
Agr 519
War 549
Wea 380
Ind 726
Spy 138
Remember selling tech is my main source of income. As a result it takes a while for me to get my income up, but this strategy is one of the best to use. So remember, always buy tech... no matter how expensive!