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Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy

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  • Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy

    Can anyone tell me how to get the babel fish? It keeps shooting into that hole in the wall! I tried hanging my coat over it, but it didn't work.
    Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

    I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
    ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn

  • #2
    Are you talking about the old text based adventure game? God! I haven't played that in YEARS! And it was on an Apple II if I remember correctly? Can you still buy this game?

    Sorry I can't help you with your question.



    • #3
      sorry, this was just my way of remembering one of the most fiendish puzzles ever placed in an adventure game. and I thought monkey island 2 had some tough ones! for old time's sake, here is the invisiclues solution to get the babel fish:

      How can I get a babel fish?

      A. This puzzle has more clues than a Hitchhiker's Guide Mark IV has

      B. Have you tried pressing the dispenser button?

      C. You need to block the small hole.

      D. Let's hope you aren't stuck here, because it only gets harder.

      E. It has something to do with the hook above the hole.

      F. You need to hang something on the hook.

      G. Examine the gown.

      H. Notice the loop? Hang the gown on the hook, then press the button


      I. Well, you've made a little progress. Don't give up now.

      J. You'll have to block the drain.

      K. There's only one thing large enough to completely cover the drain.

      L. Cover the drain with the towel, then push the button again.

      M. Oh, well. Forging ahead, you'll have to block the tiny robot panel.

      N. Standing or lying in front of the panel won't work.

      O. You'll have to put some object in front of the panel.

      P. If it isn't bulky enough, the cleaning robot dashes around it.

      Q. Examine all the objects around.

      R. The satchel is bulky. Put it in front of the panel, then push the
      button again.

      S. At this point, brave men have been known to break down and cry.

      T. Read, very carefully, the paragraph when Ford goes to sleep.

      U. Note that when you placed the satchel in front of the panel the
      response was "The satchel is now _lying on its side_ in front of the

      V. The point of the two previous hints is that you can put an object on
      top of the satchel.

      W. Put something on the satchel, then push the dispenser button again.

      X. Notice that the upper-half-of-the-room cleaning robot just manages to
      catch the second item.

      Y. Perhaps if there were several items on the satchel, they would all fly
      in the air and confuse the flying robot.

      Z. Unfortunately, there's only room for one object on the satchel.

      AA. Do you have an object, or have you seen an object, that when flung into
      the air might act as many items?

      BB. Remember that when the upper-half-of-the-room cleaning robot grabbed
      the babel fish, before you put an object on the satchel, the text said
      that the fish was "the only flying junk" that the robot found.

      CC. Put the pile of junk mail on the satchel, then press the dispenser
      button again.

      DD. Voila!

      EE. >>This space intentionally left blank.<<

      FF. Incidentally, did you know that this is the longest question ever to
      appear in an InvisiClues hint booklet?

      GG. You see, the Kwimbucki of Zug Seven are avid interactive fiction fans,
      but they have one rather eccentric peculiarity.

      HH. They will not buy any work of interactive fiction unless its hint
      booklet has at least one question with over 35 hints.

      II. This is the 35th hint.

      JJ. Our marketing department will be happy to know that Zug Seven sales
      have just skyrocketed.

      did anyone ever figure that one out on their own?
      Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

      I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
      ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


      • #4
        I must be the lousiest player of this game for ever... I haven't yet been able to exit the first room...
        This is Shireroth, and Giant Squid will brutally murder me if I ever remove this link from my signature | In the end it won't be love that saves us, it will be mathematics | So many people have this concept of God the Avenger. I see God as the ultimate sense of humor -- SlowwHand


        • #5
          getting out of the bedroom...

          How can I get out of the bedroom?
          A. You keep bouncing off the doorframe because the room is spinning from
          your hangover.
          B. You'll have to get rid of it.
          C. See the previous question.
          D. There's an aspirin in the pocket of the gown.

          What will I need to bring with me when I leave the bedroom?
          As in most interactive fiction, it's always best to bring as much as
          you can carry.

          Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

          I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
          ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn

