Does anyone here play Counter-Strike? It's a modification of the popular game Half-Life, I myself am the leader of a CS-clan and I am interested in finding out if there are other players of his great game.
No announcement yet.
Yep, just spent 4 hours playing it
We managed to get a pistols-only game going on a public server and it was quite fun.
After that we took only knives and smoke and flashbang grenades.
We gathered together on open ground, threw the smokes on the ground, simultaneously threw the flashes straight up in the air and started slashing.
Great fun.
I DO play normal games most of the time though...
"On this ship you'll refer to me as idiot, not you captain!"
- Lone Star
I'm surprised you were able to organize a game on a public server so thoroughly. That's quite a feat. I do play occasionally, but my current computer situation isn't that great for on-line gaming. When I get the new one, though, I plan on going back to playing several hours a day.
We should all join a server together sometime. I would very much enjoy para whoring the lot of you
Good going JaakoThat's very cool, would have liked to have been a part of that. It's also more fun when FF is on
Nicolas: uhmm... the Para is a horrible weapon, I mean, sure you have 100 bullets, what use is that if they all miss their target... no, I'll whoop your asses with my MP5/Navy, my Five-Seven and my full arsenal of grenades
And what servers do you play on, I only play on the Dutch servers, because I only have 56K.
[This message has been edited by Zopper (edited January 13, 2001).]
Well, actually the knife thing only featured players from our clan...
The pistol match worked out rather nicely, but it was on a half full FF server running non-standard maps (with semi-active admins to boot), so it wasn't a very good place for dumbasses to come to.
And when it comes to fighting, I'll kick all of your asses with my shotgun!
"On this ship you'll refer to me as idiot, not you captain!"
- Lone Star
I love cs, have been playing since beta 1.1
I would love to get together for an apoltyon cs game, however I must warn you I would kick all your arses
fav maps: as_oilrig, de_dust, cs_militia, cs_ship, cs_facility, es_frantic, de_prodigy, cs_siege (ph34r my sniping)
worst maps: cs_assault, de_nuke, de_railroad
I love to play as terroist except on aztec where I prefer ct"The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.
"The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton
I think AWM means Arctic Whorefare Magnum...
But I do hope none of you camp when attacking, cuz then I'd be forced to knife you repeatedly (without FF, of course), or stand in front of your big gun all the time.
BTW, what connection do you guys use, and what are your usual pings?
I've got an ISDN, with pings around 40-80ms.
"On this ship you'll refer to me as idiot, not you captain!"
- Lone Star
AWM = Ass Whooping Motherf*cker
I don't camp, I can't camp, I just can't sit still... even on as_highrise I keep moving around... I stay on the rooftop though
And I have a 56K-connection, because I don't play that often...if I'm lucky, my ping is 210...and I still frag!
I have some more pics that I will uploiad at the end of the week, including a double HE-kill
I just tried a new HL mod that has the potential to be even better than Counter-Strike.
It's called Day of Defeat, and it's about WW2 squad actions.
The official page at doesn't work for at least me, but you should find info on it and the zip itself on any big Half-Life fan site.
Try it out, and if you can't find any servers, come to the Finnish ones I play on (there were a couple of Americans there tonight with reasonable pings of around 150).
Just ask for the IPs if you need 'em, I'm too lazy to look anything up now.
"On this ship you'll refer to me as idiot, not you captain!"
- Lone Star