This thread is for suggestions for a MoM 2 game.
I'm not commiting to the project yet but I want to see if people are interested in it.
Also, if anyone is also interested in working on the project post here as well.
Here are some of my preliminary ideas for improvement;
Just the basic stuff.
I think the settings for starting a game should be more
customizable. You should be able to select the map size and the ammount of neutral cities.
Maybe even the ammount of starting pick (within a small range. Maybe 8-12)
There should be a map editor for making premade worlds,
maybe even support for scenarios.
I'll definitly add multiplayer. At least hotseat (I've never tried programming for modems
Also there should be a breakdown of where all the mana you're paying for unit spell upkeep is going. There is no way to find that out in MoM without checking all your units.
This next one is just minor quibling, but I think you should be able to view your income without having to end all your units turns and view the spell you are casting without going into a seperate screen.
During combat, there should be a damage breakdown for attacks so you can see how much damage each part of your attack is doing (poison, flame breath, meele, ect.)
Also, when a unit with a range attack is in meele range there should be a choice as to weather it uses its meele or range attacks. This wouldn't be used too much but sometimes I've had hero's whos meele attack was much more then their range attack but I couldn't use it unless I used up all their shots.
And of course, improved graphics. (Although I won't be able to do this as I can't draw worth beens)
Well that's all I've thought of at the moment.
Please, post if you have any suggestions, comments, or wish to work on the project.
I'm not commiting to the project yet but I want to see if people are interested in it.
Also, if anyone is also interested in working on the project post here as well.
Here are some of my preliminary ideas for improvement;
Just the basic stuff.
I think the settings for starting a game should be more
customizable. You should be able to select the map size and the ammount of neutral cities.
Maybe even the ammount of starting pick (within a small range. Maybe 8-12)
There should be a map editor for making premade worlds,
maybe even support for scenarios.
I'll definitly add multiplayer. At least hotseat (I've never tried programming for modems
Also there should be a breakdown of where all the mana you're paying for unit spell upkeep is going. There is no way to find that out in MoM without checking all your units.
This next one is just minor quibling, but I think you should be able to view your income without having to end all your units turns and view the spell you are casting without going into a seperate screen.
During combat, there should be a damage breakdown for attacks so you can see how much damage each part of your attack is doing (poison, flame breath, meele, ect.)
Also, when a unit with a range attack is in meele range there should be a choice as to weather it uses its meele or range attacks. This wouldn't be used too much but sometimes I've had hero's whos meele attack was much more then their range attack but I couldn't use it unless I used up all their shots.
And of course, improved graphics. (Although I won't be able to do this as I can't draw worth beens)
Well that's all I've thought of at the moment.
Please, post if you have any suggestions, comments, or wish to work on the project.