I realise that Real Gamers don't read stinkin' manuals, but bear with me 
I would like to know your experience with game manuals. Some companies provide you with everything you need to know, while some others stuff two pieces of toilet paper in the box and call that a manual.
The SMAC manual is probably the best I have in the last few years. Previously some Microprose games, such as MoO, came with thick tomes while some others were somewhat wanting.
SSG (Warlords series) and SSI (Panzer General series) produce good manuals. EA, on the other hand, gives you toilet paper if my experience with Shogun is indicative.
I don't like companies withholding information from game manuals so that they can make a quick buck with the "strategy guides."

I would like to know your experience with game manuals. Some companies provide you with everything you need to know, while some others stuff two pieces of toilet paper in the box and call that a manual.
The SMAC manual is probably the best I have in the last few years. Previously some Microprose games, such as MoO, came with thick tomes while some others were somewhat wanting.
SSG (Warlords series) and SSI (Panzer General series) produce good manuals. EA, on the other hand, gives you toilet paper if my experience with Shogun is indicative.
I don't like companies withholding information from game manuals so that they can make a quick buck with the "strategy guides."