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  • #16

    In a blatant effort to sway you, , last I heard SuperNova will not be released until August or September, and this project has been slipping for a year, so who really knows when it will be released. And, Stars! is a great game! It's one of the few games out there that I find to be as addictive as Civ., and that's saying a LOT!

    So, it's up to you, but IMO you wouldn't be disappointed if you bought Stars!.



    • #17
      John thankyou for that info. I had no idea - last I heard it was supoposed to be released late last year. Obviously I knew it had slipped but certainly not that late. I might take another look at Stars! then.


      • #18
        What are the chances that Supernova would be released in a pack with the original?

        Or would that not come until much later?

        Still haven't got me a copy yet either...

        - MKL
        - mkl


        • #19
          Would it be improper to suggest swapping Registration Numbers?
          "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
          "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


          • #20
            I thought it was OK. I downloaded the demo back in January, and quickly realized that I had demoed the game years ago (on my old computer). I wasted a whole day/night off playing it, and fiddled with it for a couple weeks. But I don't know that I'd actually fork out the $25 for the full game.


            • #21
              I have played Stars! to death and really enjoy the game: almost to the point of putting it on the "desert island" list. It is very complex and the amount of attention (or lack of) you can give your empire is staggering given that the full code of the game is but a mere 7 Megs or so. Since it is a PBEM game, one match can last for months and will definitely take up to a week - even if you and your buds agree to get online at the same time and have a per-turn time limit. You can also play against the computer, and it is claimed that the AI doesn't cheat.

              On the bad side, Stars (I'm dropping the "!") can be a micromanagement nightmare, especially for new players who have yet to figure out how to automate properly. I like to play as a Hyper Expansion race that is Immune to All (since I can colonize every planet, I treat Santa Marias like pollen) and when I get up to 50-100 planets it can be quite a b**** keeping it all straight. The amount of detail and the sparse, table-laden layout makes it not uncommon to feel as if you're playing a spreadsheet - especially at 2:00 am!

              For gamers who have the patience for it, I recommend Stars wholeheartedly. But it is understandable how it wouldn't be for everybody: those who think Civ2 is slow and complicated shouldn't try Stars.
              [This message has been edited by JohnT (edited April 30, 2000).]

