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Anyone playing RISK?

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  • #16
    My freinds and I used to SERIOUSLY play Axis and Allies in H.S. I mean, we practically had it down to some kind of decadent Ming dynasty ritual...

    But the computer game just isn't the same!! Where is the half-hour setup? The mistakes about the rules (ie can't move planes on carrier, then take off)?!!

    "Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
    "...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
    "sauna stories? There are no 'sauna stories'.. I mean.. sauna is sauna. You do by the laws of sauna." -P.


    • #17
      They got smushed in a trash compactor...but you can reconstruct them if you smash the CD, grind up the bits, and recite the following formula over them in latin:

      "jack be nimble,
      churchill be quick,
      give me back the *&^%#$ toy tanks!"


      "Quad Erratta Demonstrata, et Ave Aquelle Vale!"
      Odin, Thor, and Loki walk into a bar together...


      • #18
        I played risk every morning before school in 6th grade.. The one on the PC that is That was definitely a classic, but rail baron beats it
        ~I like eggs.~


        • #19
          If you have tried RISK have you tried JUNTA?

          JUNTA is the most hilarious funny game ever! I recommend it to anyone...



          • #20
            I'm playing Risk with a bunch of friends tomorrow night! I love the way everyone tries to tell each other what to do. Lots of diplomacy there. It turns into a diplomacy-fest

            My cousin used to have Castle Risk. I played that before I played the original, and I loved it. They've stopped selling it here in Australia as well. As far as I was aware they don't make them anywhere anymore. I pretty much decided that if I was going to get one I'd have to buy it off eBay or at a garage sale or something I haven't done it yet though.

            If anyone's got a copy they're willing to sell for a reasonable price....

            - MKL
            - mkl


            • #21
              I actually saw a couple of Castle Risk games at my school, just sitting there. . .

              I knew I should've taken them when I had the chance, now I'll constantly regret it. . .

              I play risk with my dad and one of my friends, usually. It turns into a real diplomacy game.

              My favorite risk strategy is to take Australian continent first, and then sweep asia from ther, then going for Africa and Europe, and then finally moving into the Americas.
              "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
              Drake Tungsten
              "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
              Albert Speer


              • #22
                Yeah.... Asia can be tough to hold though. The South America/Africa combo is usually the most sought after in our games. It can lead to big face-offs in the first turn of the game though We have great fun complicating the game by enforcing treaties across important borders like Europe/Africa, and Greenland/Iceland. Those without a treaty usually end up having everyone come after them.
                - mkl


                • #23
                  I play the board game risk, its really great, and it definatly beats a civ2 multiplayer game. But a civ2 HOTSEAT game, beats everything, especially when u try to convince your enemie to attack your secound enemie, and then fall him in the back (=



                  • #24
                    I've only ever played hotseat with HMM3, but it was fantastic. There was 3 of us, and we'd always be conspiring about the person who was currently playing their turn. And people would accidently let out little secrets out about their location or what they were doing, which would get passed on to the next player. 'Twas good fun. Took bloody ages though.

                    - MKL
                    - mkl


                    • #25
                      Ahhhh, yes. When I go to Virginia to visit my buddy all we have to do is say, "RISK!" His wife rolls her eyes and begins an impassioned plea to watch a movie... to no avail. Then to drive everybody nuts we'll put PDQ Bach's Edipus Tex on the CD player. Ahahahahahaha!


                      • #26
                        Hahahahaha! My flatemate's girlfriend gives very much the same reaction. Luckily my girlfriend likes playing it too!

                        And I just managed to borrow Castle Risk off my cousin. We played that for a couple of years before we even knew it was a sequel. We haven't played a game yet because I'm waiting for my flatmate to get back from a holiday, but I'm looking really forward to it.

                        - MKL
                        - mkl


                        • #27
                          Got Risk2 a couple of weeks ago - great fun; much faster to set up than the board game, and the little zoom-ins on territories during battles are really cool. The AI plays a vicious game too. Still, although you can make temporary alliances with the computer, it's not the same as with human players - ie I won't attack you from Kamchatka, if you won't attack me from Alaska... The computer treaties are just for one turn and they're quite limited.

                          Same-time risk is really freaky - I think I prefer Classic but I'll give it more of a go in the holidays. Haven't managed to play multiplayer on the Zone yet. Keeps crashing. Hotseat works fine though.

                          Strongly recommend it.

