For those guys who have money enough to buy other strategy games next to Civ3 and CTP2 
There's European Universalis, a game that has some similarities with imperialism2, but is much much bigger and complex, just check it out
The creators of railroad tycoon2 are about to release a game that looks a bit like it but has an entirly different concept, namely being dictator of a small Latin-American country with political intrigue and economy building.
[This message has been edited by Zaib (edited March 13, 2000).]

There's European Universalis, a game that has some similarities with imperialism2, but is much much bigger and complex, just check it out
The creators of railroad tycoon2 are about to release a game that looks a bit like it but has an entirly different concept, namely being dictator of a small Latin-American country with political intrigue and economy building.
[This message has been edited by Zaib (edited March 13, 2000).]