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Best Computer game of all time?

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  • #31
    These games killed the most hours of my precious life:

    From C64 era:
    Ultima 4

    PC era:
    Civ, Doom, CivII
    Honourable mention - Freecell (!)


    • #32
      SMAC or Colonization. My favorite RTS game would have to be SM's Gettysburg, Starcraft/Warcraft has no strategy to it.
      "Beans, beans the magical fruit,
      the more you eat, the more you toot" - anonymous


      • #33
        My fav games

        RTS: starcraft.. so neatly balanced

        Turn-based: master of orion II, still use it to pass full nights.

        Arcade: star control II, great music, great quest

        Quest: Betrayal at Krondor, took me three months!!!

        3d-shotters: never loved them, but duke-nukem was more fun then half-life...
        "The most hopelessly stupid man is he who is not aware he is wise" Preem Palver, First speaker, "Second Foundation", Isaac Asimov


        • #34
          C64 Era: Elite, Guild of Thieves
          Atari Era: Popolus
          PC Era: Adom, Angband, Civ2

          Well... those are the games that wasted the most of my time at least.


          • #35
            wowee I loved angband! never finished it though I got a better computer and started playing emulated console games
            ~I like eggs.~


            • #36
              Did someone really say Blade runner????? It took me 4 and a half hours to finish it. And Im sorry, but FF7 really sucked big...... you get the picture. Its the only ? Ive ever tried, and I spent about 10 hours trying to figure out where the hell the game was. I mean there just nothing to it except a rather weak and one dimensional fighting engine and then some really duff story stuff.

              Anyway in additin to my above as were allowed multiple categories, best RTS AOE by a long way and best "corridor" shooter doom, (though I still say magic carpet for the overall and I have enormous affection for Jedi knight)

              Peter H.


              • #37
                Did someone really say Blade runner????? It took me 4 and a half hours to finish it. And Im sorry, but FF7 really sucked big...... you get the picture. Its the only ? Ive ever tried, and I spent about 10 hours trying to figure out where the hell the game was. I mean there just nothing to it except a rather weak and one dimensional fighting engine and then some really duff story stuff.

                Anyway in additin to my above as were allowed multiple categories, best RTS AOE by a long way and best "corridor" shooter doom, (though I still say magic carpet for the overall and I have enormous affection for Jedi knight)

                Peter H.


                • #38
                  Did someone really say Blade runner????? It took me 4 and a half hours to finish it. And Im sorry, but FF7 really sucked big...... you get the picture. Its the only ? Ive ever tried, and I spent about 10 hours trying to figure out where the hell the game was. I mean there just nothing to it except a rather weak and one dimensional fighting engine and then some really duff story stuff.

                  Anyway in additin to my above as were allowed multiple categories, best RTS AOE by a long way and best "corridor" shooter doom, (though I still say magic carpet for the overall and I have enormous affection for Jedi knight)

                  Peter H.


                  • #39
                    Well, it's easy to pick the best (Civ 2 of course), but I have a lot of affection for quite a few others...

                    -aliens vs predator
                    -system shock (1 & 2)
                    -jedi knight
                    -star craft
                    -x-wing series
                    -need for speed 4
                    -frontier elite 2

                    and who can forget the glorious experience that was Wing Commander 3 in its day?
                    [This message has been edited by AustralianJeremy (edited September 14, 1999).]


                    • #40
                      hehe, Frontier, haven't I seen you somewhere else AJ?

                      "Ah, my great opponent! Now we finally meet each other, you and your so called "Frontier"
                      Destroy him, my robots!"


                      • #41
                        TBS: Civ II (For it's time)
                        Simulation: SimCity 2000 or Links LS 99... (SimCity 3000 was ok, but SimCity 2000 was much better considering it was released in '93)
                        RTS: Hmmmmmm, AoE
                        Honorable mentions: Roller Coaster Tycoon, SMAC

                        That's basically all I play, I never really liked games like Doom...

                        [This message has been edited by Billobob (edited September 17, 1999).]
                        The (Ex)Grand Duke
                        Of New Morelead


                        • #42
                          I might have said Frontier a few months ago, but some weeks ago I downloaded it from the Internet (And not illegally, either. You need the manual, which I have). It was interesting for a few days, but got t-e-d-i-o-u-s quite quickly.


                          • #43
                            TBS - SMAC followed by Civ2
                            WarGame - Close Combat (series) followed by Panzer General 2 and Gettysburg!
                            RPG - Baldur's Gate followed VERY closly by Fallout 2 (bugs and all)
                            Sports - Madden NFL 2000

                            And those are the categories that I play..
                            “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                            - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                            • #44
                              I've got a new one for today - Darkstone. This game is so much fun! I wasn't even expecting it, it just arrived in the mail (for various reasons). It reminds me a bit of the completely addictive NES zelda when I was at school, but much better...


                              • #45
                                Best Computer game ever is Civ 2 or ToT doesnt matter which one. The next one that has stole most of my time over the years is The Tie fighters collectors CD ROM.this game is spectacular. As far as Strategy games go next to Civ2 I would Say Panzer General 2.

