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CTP/SMAC cast your vote..

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  • CTP/SMAC cast your vote..

    CTP 1 SMAC 0

  • #2
    Have you played both? I'm not sure you have. At least you haven't played CTP enough to make a concise judgement on it.

    So, even though I haven't played CTP (and wheather I'll buy it depends on the demo..), I'll say.

    CTP 1, SMAC 1
    “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
    - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


    • #3
      I would give sid 10/10 SMAC & I don`t know about CTP yet i`m buying it next week...but what iv`e herd i`ll give it 10/10 as well before even playing it! LOL


      • #4
        CTP 2 SMAC 1


        • #5
          CTP 2 SMAC 2

          Have been playing SMAC for three weeks and CTP for two days. CTP is a BIG disapointment, I was expecting a lot more than just a bad rip off from Civ2. SMAC on the other hand is a totally new game. Don't make the same mistake as I and don't buy the game! It's just Activision who wants to make a few bucks...


          • #6
            I've not played CTP yet, but I've got respond to that last past. SMAC a completly new game???!? More like Civ2 with some limited extra features, and a scifi setting. Even if I don't like call to power, at least they have made the effort not just to add a few things to Civ2.
            I wanted to rub the human face in its' own vomit, to force it to look in the mirror....


            • #7
              CTP 1
              SMAC 1

              Although I have only played the SMAC demo. But I think both games have their weaknesses and strengths and all computed I think they are both on the same level. However I tend more to CTP as I dont like the sci-fi environment of smac, I just like to play on good old earth, but thats individually.



              • #8
                The reason I sided with CTP is...
                It doesnt claim to be a different game, just an improved version of civ2, which it does nicely. Micromanagment hassles are removed. Being able to order building queues for multiple cities at the same time is great.

                What really pissed me off more than anything about SMAC is that every single turn every dam nation would propose treaties or threaten me or something else, and when I say NO they just keep asking me every single turn. Its annoying as hell having to keep going though diplomacy with all the nations every single turn. Its enough to send you into a mental institution.


                • #9
                  CTP IS NOT A RIP-OFF OF CIV2!!!
                  It is supposed to be like Civ2!!!
                  Even then it is more different than SMAC.


                  • #10
                    CTP IS NOT A RIP-OFF OF CIV2!!!
                    It is supposed to be like Civ2!!!
                    Even then it is more different to Civ2 than SMAC is.


                    • #11
                      Based on the single criterion that I could get it to install :-

                      CTP 0
                      SMAC 1


                      • #12
                        CTP is my vote


                        • #13

                          Why SMAC is better:

                          SMAC is a natural continuing of Civ2. CTP is just a rip-off. SMAC has far more advanced diplomacy. The Workshop where you can put unit together is great. The different personalities of the factionsleaders gives more depth to the game. The graphics are better in SMAC. CTP has a weird interface, how many times have I sent units the wrong way? CTP is "fast", you just built your first bomber and it's obsolete and stealh bomber is available. The only thing really bad about SMAC is the buggs, I have had my share of crashes and lockups but that's nothing that can't be fixed without patches...

                          PS Don't praise CTP before you actually played it, there's not even a demo out!!


                          • #14
                            I have played it, and it is out. Lots of people had it for 2 days now. Some maybe 3.


                            • #15
                              It seems that nobody learned how to count: the score goes from 2x2 to 1x1, then to 1x0... Well, I haven't played CTP yet (I'll wait some WEEKS until it arrives in my dear country), but i have SMAC and Civ2...and SMAC IS Civ2, in Space and with VERY UGLY walking units. The factions are interesting in your first game, nice in your second game, a little bit boring in the third...sometimes, you stop playing before that. OK, I'm exaggerating a little and SMAC is great (NOT 98%!!), but is just a space-civ (there was a MOD with that name, wasn't? They could rename it to the SMAC MOD).
                              "I'm really an american right-winger, i love the army and hate a forigners, communists, anarchists and ******s. I also belive in god and the american constitution."
                              I invented the question mark.
                              -Imran Siddiqui
                              Former Resident SidGamer
                              Current Pandemonio.ORG Webmaster
                              FOREIGN ADVISER - People's Republic of Off-Topic (PROT)

