So, what is Test of Time? I can't find any info on it save some screen shots.
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Test of Time
If they make it with the same skill they are using to add multiplayer to the existing civ2 it will surely suck bigtime. How can such a small thing take months and then be delayed?
Test of time looks much like civ2, there are some screenshots on:
not very good but there seems to be little info about this game.
tot looks like crap! its civ2 with chessy old units that barely look an hour to draw!! okay playing on ac and old earth is pretty cool but what it is just a copy of SMAC. the citys still look the same too the adviser things just have new pictures behind them. on the wonders thing the back ground is the tashi mahali(sp). the tashi thing isn't even a wonder! if this is supposed to be a new game that is just hommoishif its and add-on well its still is al crapo. microprose heard that fraxis andactivision were making new totally different turn based strategy games at E3 so they had to try and take the zist from both games and try and put it into one. Test of Time is the old Civ2 with cheap imatations of the two new civilization games. in two words test of time sucks bad.
sorry about my choose of words but ya know teenagers can't stop sayen them
i am the great one:)
and leader of the cow cult