bbc article about games industry
Does this matter? Will we be looking at 'Sims VII' for the rest of our computer game playing lives, or maybe worse?
Or will it bring much needed balance into what is a mostly young+male violent games market?
Will we take to the streets to vent our displeasure
Or lie in front of our consoles consuming whatever clap trap is shoveled our way
As this was specificaly talking about the games industry - i thought it would be more relevant here in 'other games' rather than 'off-topic' where there are many/mostly non-gamers, but please move it if it really doesn't belong here
Does this matter? Will we be looking at 'Sims VII' for the rest of our computer game playing lives, or maybe worse?
Or will it bring much needed balance into what is a mostly young+male violent games market?
Will we take to the streets to vent our displeasure

Or lie in front of our consoles consuming whatever clap trap is shoveled our way

As this was specificaly talking about the games industry - i thought it would be more relevant here in 'other games' rather than 'off-topic' where there are many/mostly non-gamers, but please move it if it really doesn't belong here
